  • 學位論文


The Study of Phalaenopsis Orchid’s Development in Taiwam

指導教授 : 游張松


蝴蝶蘭,身為所有花種單價產值最高之花種,對於台灣之出口貿易,扮演著很重要的角色。而台灣蝴蝶蘭之發展歷史已久,卻在近年來各競爭國家的加入之後,而在蝴蝶蘭產業之整體供應鏈逐漸被逼到只能成為上游種苗供應者,故此研究主要之目的即為對現階段全球之蝴蝶蘭產業做一分析,並找出台灣業者所能努力之方向。 在第三章之初,本論文即先在對蝴蝶蘭商品本身之特性做一解釋,以了解因其生產特性所衍生出之不同生產、銷售方式。接著,從蝴蝶蘭的產業供應鏈中,可發現各國在蝴蝶蘭產業中並非單純之供需或競爭關係,而存在著一種既合作又競爭的關係,故此研究將蝴蝶蘭之國際市場以供給及需要兩部分分開來做分析。在第三章後半段,即先針對需求的部分,也就是主要之三大國際銷售市場的特性進行一介紹;在第四章中,則針對供給之部分,對目前市場上主要之競爭國家的生產形式及特性做一分析及比較。 最後,在第五章中,先提出台灣業者進入國際市場會面臨之三大問題,包括出口問題、跨國接續生產問題、國外銷售管道之建立,並對各國際市場上面臨之問題做一整理,再對台灣業者提出建議之改進方向。 本研究最後發現,台灣蘭園在面臨國際競爭的情況下,在生產方面,需先提高自身生產之品質,以符合未來市場高品質高價位之趨勢,來避開其他亞洲國家的削價競爭。另外,在銷售面,台灣蘭園更需主動開發國際市場,尋求及培養更多適合之國際市場開發人才,並在海外市場成立海外基地,就近服務市場,才能夠在此產業中深耕、長存,而不會在其他國家的競爭下被邊緣化。


The purpose of this thesis is to research the development of Taiwan’s Phalaenopsis Orchid industry, and figure out a way for Taiwan’s growers to compete in the international market. In Chapter 3, I would first introduce the Phalaenopsis Orchid product, then, the produce and selling methods derived from its special characteristics. After that, from the thorough industry supply chain, it shows that the relationships between each country are complicated. In different phase, it may change from cooperation to competition. So, in Chapter 3 and 4, I would separate the whole Phalaenopsis Orchid market into demand side and supply side, to further discuss the industry. For Taiwan’s growers, the international trade may cause some difficulties, includes export problems, continuing growing process between different countries, and building up the selling channels in export countries. In Chapter 5, I would first identify the difficulties Taiwan growers encounter in the foreign markets, then propose some possible suggestions and direction for them to better survive in the fierce international competition. At the end, I state that in order to be more capable in the the international market, Taiwan’s grower should first improve the production quality, to better fit in the market trend of pursuing high quality product. Besides, the key factor that would have great influence on Taiwan’s future development, is the salesperson who has the ability to explore international market, bring Phalaenopsis Orchid out to the foreign markets. The best way to stay competitive in the industry, is to become more active to pursue the opportunities and step into foreign countries’ market by ourselves.


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