  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Operating Efficiency for Contracting out Public Off-Street Parking Lots- A Case Study for Taipei City

指導教授 : 許添本


近年來政府將公有路外停車場委託外包給民間經營的案例漸多,委外的好處很多,一來省下政府派遣人力管理停車場的人事成本,二來藉由民間技術的引進及高績效的管理可提升服務品質來滿足人民的停車需求;另外由民營取代公營,也代表政府將經營利益轉讓給民間企業。因此公有停車場委外的好處有三:政府省錢、人民享受、企業賺錢。然而過去文獻探討偏重於政府與人民的角度,站在政府的觀點為停車場委外後是否財務效益增加,而人民的觀點為委外停車場的停車方便性與使用者滿意度為何,至於企業的部分則鮮少研究之。故此,本研究欲以過去不同的觀點出發,站在企業經營者的角度來探討委外停車場的營運效率。 研究將構建「投入-產出」效率模型,將營運成本視為投入項,而營運收入視為產出項,選取台北市公有委外停車場民國96年度資料,並以資料包絡分析法(DEA)及隨機邊界法(SFA)同時並用分析之。DEA研究結果顯示台北市委外停車場產業的整體效率水準為0.782,顯示整體產業尚有21.8%的改善空間。而SFA的效率水準為0.657,顯示在產出效能上有34.3%的技術無效率。另外由Malmquist生產力指數分析結果顯示目前台北市委外停車場的整體產業生產力是呈現衰退的,而兩種方法分析結果都指向若要改善目前委外停車場的營運效率,則應當優先減少不必要的人事支出。


Recently, Government has adopted the contracting out policy to manage the Public Off-Street Parking Lots. There are many advantages of contracting out policy, one is to save the management cost for government, another is to upgrade better performance and higher efficiency by private firm’s manage, and in the way, it may provide better service to meet with people’s parking demands. On the other hand, to build a strategic alliance with firms also represents government’s willingness to transfer and share the operating profit from public part to private sector. In conclusions, there are three main advantages of this policy: (1) Government may save more money. (2) People may receive higher and better service. (3) Private firm may get more benefits. There are several researches from the aspects of government and people, such as the study on the government’s concern to see whether the public parking lot contracting out policy may increase government’s financial efficiency or on the people’s point of view to see whether the policy may facilitate to more convenient or not. But, there is rare research on the study from the private firm’s angles. Therefore, this research is focusing on the study of the operating efficiency on the contracting out of the public off-street parking lot from the private firm’s aspects. In this way, assuming the operating cost as an input item and the revenue as an output item, and set up the contractor parking lots of Taipei City in 2007 as the research data by using the mythologies of DEA and SFA to analyze it. From the research outcome of DEA, it indicates that the contractor parking lots industry efficiency level in the Taipei City is 0.782, and it proves that there is a room of 20.8% to improve. On the other hand, from the research outcome of SFA, the contractor parking lots industry efficiency level in the Taipei City is 0.657, and the rate of technical inefficiency is 34.4%. Furthermore, from the analysis of Malmquist productivity index, it clearly shows that the productivity of the Taipei City contractor parking lots industry is declining. The outcome of both of the above-mentioned researches indicates that to cut down the labor cost is the first priority to improve the operating efficiency.


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