  • 學位論文


"Don't Call Me Returning Youth": Struggle over the Sense of Belonging in Tjuabal of the Paiwan People under the National Policyof Rural Revitalization

指導教授 : 洪伯邑


返鄉在都市地區常被視為返回家鄉、落葉歸根、回歸自然、健康生活等意象;而在政策中則將返鄉視為解決區域差異、人口外流等鄉村問題的解方;返鄉青年選擇返鄉時,受都市地區、政府政策對鄉村想像的影響。返鄉青年在實踐返鄉的過程中反映台灣脈絡的鄉村性,並轉化鄉村性的意涵。   本研究關注台東達仁鄉土坂部落的返鄉青年,從原住民返鄉青年的歷程回應台灣返鄉的學術討論中,討論鄉村性的變動與多元。而本研究的鄉是以排灣族原住民為主的原鄉,與國家政策尺度下的均質鄉村不同,學習、實踐傳統文化返鄉青年是原住民社會維繫、身分認同號召的根源與關鍵,同時也是對外展現族群特性的方式以獲得相應的政治、市場資源。在回應鄉村中的族群議題的同時,探討返鄉中原住民性的可能性。   然而,外界所認定的「返鄉青年」卻表達「不要叫我返鄉青年」,則反映出在返鄉接合外界資源,也要面對歸追尋歸屬感的渴望。返鄉青年在接合、調適的過程經歷權力、資源的流動,使得返鄉的歸屬在不同的空間尺度中變化。


返鄉 鄉村性 原住民性 族群認同 歸屬感


Returning to rural is often associated with the image of going back to hometown, finding the root, getting close to the nature, and living a healthy life. It is also viewed as the ways to help narrow regional difference and reduce population outflow under the national policy. When a returning youth chooses to go back to hometown, he/she would influenced by policy of the authority and ideas in urban area that contains the imagination toward the rural. The process of returning to rural reflects the rurality in Taiwanese context and transforms the concept of rurality. This thesis investigates the returning youths from Tjuabal, the Paiwan indigenous village, and discusses the development and diversity of rurality based on the previous academic research about returning to rural. The “ rural” used in the thesis refers to Tjuabal. Through absorbing and practicing traditional cultures, the returning youths plays an crucial role in calling for connection and the sense of belonging among their society, which is also a way of showing ethnic solidarity to acquire political and market resources. This paper explores the concept of indigeneity through responding to the ideas on ethic issues in the rural. However, those young people, who work on external resources and crave for the sense of belonging, are not fully accepting the title “returning youth” to describe themselves. In the process of adapting and connecting, returning youths struggle under powers and resources, causing the sense of belonging presented in various ways.


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