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Analysis of Traditional Folksong of Eastern Paiwan-A Case Study of Tjuwabal


tjuwabal(土坂部落)的排灣族情歌形式多樣、內涵豐富、運用廣泛,是族人抒懷寄情、溝通傳達的生活性歌謠。從山上工作閒暇的獨唱、對唱,到年輕男女聚會歌唱;從族人婚禮前夜的「remaiyan」(眾人牽手圍圈、高歌共舞)領唱、和唱與對唱,到送紀念品的對唱……等等,在在展現了這個族群藝術文化之美、社會互動之和諧。 土坂排灣族情歌曲調優美、意境悠遠,風格低迴婉轉、旋律起伏綿延、歌詞涵義精深微妙。如此巧妙藉以自然萬物來含蓄影射內心幽微情意與綿延思念,恰與該族深沉幽遠歌調、細膩婉轉的歌唱方式相呼應!而排灣族人以極致精鍊的豐富語詞來描摹感情世界、抒發個人心聲意見,以即興多采的節奏旋律來創造跌宕情境,除造就排灣族傳統歌謠詞曲並重、精深細緻的音樂風格,也為該族優異的藝術表現更增添幾許美好詩篇樂章!


排灣族 傳統歌謠 情歌 東排灣 土坂部落


Love songs of tjuwabal through various performances of musical construction which formed by complicated ideas of human mind that used to cherish the memory of lover or as, real thinking expression about life experience. As young people of tjuwabal to do farm work in the mountains, they will take the break time to sing love song by self or sing together with several companions. When a romantic gathering time coming, happy atmosphere surrounding young men and young women, definitely each one desires to sing love songs to beloved one. Especially over the night of eve of wedding day ”remaiyan”(all guests hand by hand to form a circle and singing and dancing), whose belonged the highest lever of local society, leads and teaches all guests and uses different techniques like vocal solo or to sing in chorus, or antiphonal style with giving gift to each other…etc, Above description shows us that the brilliant beauty of local culture completely shared by everyone in the society of tjuwabal and bring the harmony association to everyone. The composition of love song of tjuwabal written by the ordinary people in the old time, which including unusual insight and incredible stories. The singer storied about extraordinary and attractive motive in ordinary life with unique and highest-lowest range of musical voice. The most important is, when the melody of love song floating in air into ears of listener, and finally reaches listener's heart, people will find out, the soft music sounds as little but quite harmony wind blows to please the ear. People might wondering how the melody capturing every corner into your deep soul? Of course, the lyrics for the love song describe many stories about interesting, exciting, sorrow, and romantic materials through life of history of tjuwabal. People of tjuwabal used to write love song to extract the memory about the real personal feeling who living in such crude and traditional society. Therefore, when listeners hearing the lyrics and melody, immediately understand and enjoy what included every details in the song. People insisted to write the lyrics and melody for the Love song of tjuwabal that both parts should be treated with non-discrimination. According the basic ideas how to create a song that already make a great achievement for the culture construction today.


paiwan traditional folksong love song eastern paiwan tjuwabal


