  • 學位論文


Applications of Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) to the Analysis of VOCs from the Leaves of Cinnamomum osmophloeum and Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana

指導教授 : 張上鎮


為了能準確快速的鑑別土肉桂(Cinnamomum osmophloeum)與臺灣肖楠(Calocedrus formosana)品系,本試驗利用固相微萃取(Solid-phase microextraction, SPME)技術分析其葉部揮發成分進而鑑定品系。以PDMS/DVB與CAR/PDMS吸附纖維進行土肉桂與臺灣肖楠葉部揮發成分之吸附,經比較各種吸附條件後發現,以0.3 g之樣本重量、50℃之水浴溫度、5 min之水浴加熱時間、15 min之吸附時間以及5 min之脫附時間所獲得之分析效果最佳。不同地理品系之土肉桂葉部揮發成分,以SPME方法直接偵測與水蒸餾法所得精油經氣相層析-質譜儀分析鑑定與群團分析後,結果顯示SPME法與水蒸餾法所獲得之分類結果一致,臺灣肖楠雖未獲得一致結果,但SPME分析方法具有良好再現性,加上其分析快速的特性,可有效應用於土肉桂揮發成分之分析與品系鑑定,迅速辨認品系且大幅縮減分析所需時間,於土肉桂品系之篩選及應用上為一有效的分析工具。 土肉桂葉揮發成分的季節變化方面,長日照(14 hr Photoperiod)之控制條件下,Xin21苗木之trans-Cinnamaldehyde的相對含量隨溫度增高而減少,而Cinnamyl acetate則與trans-Cinnamaldehyde呈現相反趨勢,其相對含量隨溫度之增高而增加,但在短日照條件下,則隨溫度之增高而減少。而LL苗木之主成分Linalool,其相對含量在長、短日照條件下都隨溫度增高而增加,且以短日照週期對其含量的增加更為明顯。至於臺灣肖楠葉揮發成分之全日經時變化,無論在晴天或陰雨天,其揮發量一日中均有三組高峰出現,晴天時分別於凌晨3~4時、中午11~13時以及夜晚23時;陰雨天則於凌晨2~6時、中午15~17時以及夜晚20~23時,這種階段性高峰量的現象,可能來自於植物日時鐘的規律性調控所造成。此外,Limonene與Myrcene之比例變化亦具有相同的趨勢,且以Limonene之含量高於Myrcene;而α-Pinene則恰與二者呈現相反的趨勢,根據其他相關研究報告,推測此種互補性的變化趨勢乃由於其次生合成途徑的差異所造成。


In this study, SPME fibers coated with PDMS/DVB coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to examine the biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) from leaves of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. and Calocedrus macrolepis Kurz var. formosana (Florin) Cheng and L.K. Fu from various geographical provenances and to identify their chemotypes. In addition, we also monitored the daily variation of major volatile compounds emitted from C. macrolepsis var. formosana leaves. The optimum absorbing conditions were summarized as follows: 0.3 g of leaf sample was heated in 50℃ water bath for 5 min following by the absorbtion of SPME for 15 min, and then desorbed for 5 min in GC/MS. The BVOCs of C. osmophloeum leaves analyzed by SPME method were correlated well with those of hydrodistilled essential oils. Furthermore, the results of cluster analysis also showed that the chemotype identifications obtained either by SPME or hydrodistillation method were consistent for C. osmophloeum, but slightly inconsistent for C. macrolepsis var. formosana. However, the efficiency and reproducibility of SPME method make it a reliable tool for quickly identifying the chemotypes of C. osmophloeum by their BVOCs. With increasing environment temperature under 14 hr of photoperiod treatment, the relative concentration of trans-cinnamaldehyde in C. osmophloeum Xin21 decreased, whereas cinnamyl acetate increased. However, cinnamyl acetate decreased as the temperature increased with 10 hr of photoperiod treatment. The relative concentration of linalool for the linalool type of C. osmophloeum LL increased with the increase of temperature, regardless of whether it was 10 hr or 14 hr photoperiod, and the proportional of linalool was higher in the 10 hr photoperiod compared with the 14 hr photoperiod, with an increase of 6-9%, indicating that short photoperiod enriched in the amount of linalool. Furthermore, the circadian profile for limonene and myrcene emitted from C. macrolepsis var. formosana leaves had a similar tendency, and the quantity of limonene was significantly higher than myrcene. Conversely, the circadian profile of α-pinene observed was opposite to those of limonene and myrcene.


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