  • 學位論文


Reconstruction of the phylogeny of Dialeurodes (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and relative genera from Taiwan

指導教授 : 柯俊成


台灣原紀錄之裸粉蝨類群為 7 屬 27 種,其中有 17 種為台灣特有種。本論文自2005年8月至2006年5月共計野外採集489筆,檢查玻片標本共2260片,並以傳統形態及顯微構造進行台灣產裸粉蝨類群形態分類學研究,共計描述8屬28種,包括 1 新紀錄屬 (Dialeurolonga Dozier)、1 新種 (Singhiella melanolepis Chen and Ko n. sp.) 及4新組合 (Dialeurolonga shintenensis (Takahashi) n. comb.、Gigaleurodes alocasia (Ko) n. comb.、Rabdostigma lithocarpi (Takahashi) n. comb. 及 Rabdostigma minahassai (Martin) n. comb.),其中描述 28 種蛹殼及 19 種成蟲形態特徵,並重新繪製 18 種蛹殼形態圖和 19 種成蟲形態圖。除記述與圖示外,並藉掃描式電子顯微鏡之輔助,描述蛹殼及成蟲之形態特徵及分類上之術語,以為鑑定之依據。此外,研究結果顯示利用成蟲形態做為鑑定依據為可行方法。另一方面,以第四齡蛹殼特徵和分子資料重建裸粉蝨類群之系統發生樹。分子資料分析方法,分別在粒線體上選取 COI DNA 及 16S rDNA 共 2 個分子標記片段,將由各種粉蝨之序列定序結果相互比較。形態之研究,選用四齡若蟲重要特徵,經由度量轉置,轉換成系統發生樹,結合分子分析結果,重建台灣產裸粉蝨類群之類緣關係。結果顯示:裸粉蝨類群並非單系群,且成蟲形態特徵同樣支持此結果。文中並附製 19 種裸粉蝨類群成蟲檢索表與台灣產裸粉蝨類群名錄整理。


粉蝨科 裸粉蝨 成蟲 類緣關係 台灣


The fauna of Dialeurodes sensu lato from Taiwan previously included 27 species, 17 of which are endemic in Taiwan. In this study, 498 records of field collections from August 2004 to May 2006, and 2260 slide-mounted specimens were checked. Based on these materials, 28 species in 8 genera related to Dialeurodes were determined in Taiwan. These include 1 new record of the genus Dialeurolonga Dozier, 1 new species of Singhiella melanolepis Chen and Ko, and 4 new combinations of Dialeurolonga shintenensis (Takahashi) n. comb, Gigaleurodes alocasia (Ko) n. comb., Rabdostigma lithocarpi (Takahashi) n. comb., and Rabdostigma minahassai (Martin) n. comb. In the morphological study, the puparium and adult stage of the materials were described. Among them, puparia of 18 species and adults of 19 species are illustrated in detail. The phylogenetic analysis was carried out with puparium morphology and molecular data. Two molecular fragment of 16S rDNA and COI DNA were amplified in order to sequence and compare these 18 species. In the morphological study, all puparia and adults of 19 species are described, and puparium characteristics were transformed into a matrix. Phylogenetic trees based on morphological and molecular data were constructed to determine the phylogenetic relationships of Dialeurodes and related genera from Taiwan. In summary, the Dialeurodes group is not a monophyly, and the adult morphology supported this inference. Furthermore, a key is provided for identifying the adults of 19 species of the Dialeurodes group, and a checklist of Dialeurodes sensu lato from Taiwan is provided.


Aleyrodidae Dialeurodes Adult Phylogeny Taiwan


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