  • 學位論文

數株 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 及其區分物抑制大腸癌細胞增生及大腸細胞株抗細胞毒性研究

Antiproliferation of colon cancer cell line HT-29 and anticytotoxicity of human intestine cell line Int-407 by the cell fractions of several Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains

指導教授 : 游若篍


Saccharomyces cerevisiae 富含維生素B群及多種營養素過去常被用來做為營養補充劑,也曾被用來做為益生菌及益生質等功能性食品。結腸直腸癌在台灣是主要的死亡原因之一,大約有70% 的結腸直腸癌成因與飲食有關。研究指出益生菌可以和致突變物作用,降低致突變物質對腸道細胞造成的傷害。因此本試驗研究5株S. cerevisiae細胞區分物 (熱致死細胞、粗細胞壁及胞內液) 對人類結腸癌細胞株HT-29增生及致突變劑4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide (4NQO) 對正常腸道細胞 Int-407 細胞毒性之效果,進一步利用分段預反應探討其抗致突變的機制,並利用彗星電泳 (Comet assay) 檢測區分物抑制4NQO誘導Int-407基因毒性之效果。結果顯示熱致死細胞及粗細胞壁具有抑制大腸癌細胞HT-29增生的效果,其中以粗細胞壁為佳,抑制率為 24.5% -52.83%。在抗細胞毒性方面,熱致死細胞及粗細胞壁同樣具有減低4NQO對於正常腸道細胞的毒性,以熱致死細胞效果較好,可使細胞存活率由 49.7%-54.6% 提升至 73.3%-82.2%。在抑制基因毒性方面,熱致死細胞及粗細胞壁也能降低4NQO誘導Int-407產生的基因損傷,損傷分數由 134.0-146.7 降至 79.0-90.0 及 76.0- 93.3。利用分段預反應探討其抗致突變的機制,發現熱致死細胞及粗細胞壁皆具有阻斷效應及生物抗細胞毒性,能調整細胞機能來抵抗 4NQO 的致突變作用,並幫助細胞修復損傷。而熱致死細胞比粗細胞壁多了去細胞毒性的功效,能直接和致突變劑 4NQO 作用,降低其毒性。


Saccharomyces cerevisiae is not only an excellent source of B-complex vitamins but also a source of functional food as probiotics or prebiotics. Colorectal cancer is major cause of death in Taiwan. Approximately 70% of colorectal cancer is related to diets. Probiotics have positive health effects such as antioxidative, antitumor and antimutagenic activity. The objective of this study was to investigate effects of several S. cerevisiae cell fractions on the proliferation of human colon cancer cell, HT29, and the prevention of 4NQO-induced DNA damage on Int-407 cells. The possible anticytotoxic mechanisms were investigated by section-preincubation test. Comet assay explored the effects of yeast cell fraction against 4NQO-induced genetoxicity. The result revealed that heat-killed cells and crude cell walls exhibited the antiproliferation activity on HT-29 cells.The antiproliferation rate was 24.5%-52.83%. It was noted that heat-killed cells and crude cell walls reduced the cytotoxicity of 4-NQO against Int-407 showing the anticytotoxic activity. The viability of Int-407 increased from 49.7%-54.6% to 73.3%-82.2%. Heat-killed cells and crude cell walls also significantly reduced the 4NQO-induced genetoxicity. The scores of DNA damage decreased from 134.0-146.7 to 79.0-90.0 and 76.0- 93.3. It was found that heat-killed cells and crude cell walls might exert blocking and bioanticytotoxic effects by both adjusting the function of intestine 407 and repairing the 4-NQO-damaged cells. Additionally, heat-killed cells might exert descytotoxic effects by bioremediation, thus reducing cytotoxicity of 4-NQO.


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蔡承祐(2014)。數株Saccharomyces cerevisiae細胞壁多醣對4NQO誘導Int-407細胞DNA傷害之抗細胞毒性研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.02613
