  • 學位論文


Enterprise Digital Transformation Technology Management Revolution with Talent Training Model: B Company Case Study

指導教授 : 郭佳瑋


過去為數眾多的數位轉型研究,主要站在企業轉型成效最佳化的決策角度出發,相對缺乏站在員工的角度,去研究如何先幫助每一個人轉型成功、進而促進全企業點、線、面、體的轉型與革新成功。   本研究以科技管理革新一詞,代表企業利用各種當代與創新之科技工具,去協助員工推進企業管理活動的轉型、變革過程,同時將研究目標放在分析個案企業並歸納出一套可幫助台灣企業推動人才轉型的培育模型與所需的人才協作歷程。   基於當代實體空間(面對面)與虛擬空間(非面對面)的市場內涵、生產流程與顧客服務等商業模式迥異,而不同世代人才在此兩大空間中的體驗與專業又落差極大,因此本研究發現不同人才在涉入轉型與革新命題時,往往受限於員工彼此在虛擬與實體空間中積累的體驗與職場應對速度兩大職場落差參數,導致企業很難快速達成轉型共識並推進轉型行動,本研究稱此現象為體驗囚籠效應。   為解決體驗囚籠效應與科技管理革新間成反比的關係,本研究提出一套友善可執行的躍競人才培育模型,透過拋棄從上而下(集權式)或從下而上(投票制)的決策手段,改為先豐富每個員工在虛擬與實體空間中的體驗與速度感,進而利用微命題與微解題的策略,一步一腳印的推動個人與企業轉型,同時建議企業應努力形塑一個共同空間,讓人才彼此間能在一起共同生活、共同學習、共同實驗與實現,一起孕育出對於空間與速度認知共識與同理心,最終加速推進企業科技管理革新。同時企業可透過充實人才培育模型中的培育資源,搭配本研究提出的科技管理革新路徑作為發展指引,引導十一種不同位階的人才,持續豐富其不同維度與樣貌體驗,避免因體驗囚籠落差讓人才彼此間互不信賴、鬥爭甚至澆熄變革熱情與積累無力感。   期待未來有更多投身於以人才需求導向為角度出發的科技管理革新研究,透過重視每一位人才的聲音、豐富其體驗、同理其專業,並促成不同人才樣貌間相互尊重與融合,進而重建企業數位轉型新標竿,共創幸福企業、永續經營新指標。


Numerous digital transformation studies in the past were mainly based on the decision-making perspective of optimizing the effectiveness of corporate transformation, and relatively lacked from the perspective of optimizing the effectiveness of employee transformation, to study how to first help everyone to transform successfully, and then promote the whole enterprise. This research uses the term Technology Management Revolution to represent companies using various technology tools to assist employees in promoting the transformation, reform and innovation process of corporate management activities. When entering the proposition of transformation and innovation, it is often limited by the two major workplace gaps between the experience accumulated by employees in virtual and physical spaces and the speed of work place response, which makes it difficult for companies to quickly reach a consensus on transformation. This research calls this as ESSEC. Plan a Co-working Space so that talents can live and learn together for consensus and empathy of space and speed, and ultimately accelerate the advancement of enterprise Technology Management Revolution. Enterprises can use the talent collaboration innovation matrix to guide talents with eleven personas by enriching their experience to avoiding the ESSEC and a sense of Learned Helplessness.


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