  • 學位論文


How Feasible It Is to Apply Big Data Analysis in Human Resources Management - The Case Study of Recruitment Process of Company A

指導教授 : 蕭中強


近年來,大數據(Big Data)對企業運作、個人行為、生活型態所帶來「質」與「量」的衝擊和影響有目共睹。一方面它讓商業活動和個人行為透明化、軌跡化,並從中分析尋找其關聯性,協助各行各業發展、提供更創新、便利、快速、安全的產品或服務(質)。另一方面,它快速處理大量資料的能力(量)也帶動了物聯網(Internet of Things, IOT)和智慧生活的迅速發展,讓各領域和不同產業產生更緊密的互動與合作。 本研究透過文獻探討、個案分析(A公司)以及專家訪談等方式,探討大數據分析運用於人力資源管理議題,尤其是人才招募之可能性,並針對A公司的招募問題提出解決方案。本研究規納出二大結論: 首先,HR確實可以利用大數據分析解決包括人才招募在內的許多人資相關議題,Google、Xerox、Transcom、LinkedIn等企業已提供了令人鼓舞的實例證明。惟企業在導入時仍應審慎評估、逐步執行,才能獲得投資報酬的最大效益。 其次,經評估A公司現況,該公司目前尚無須立即導入大數據分析系統。而在未導入前之過渡時期,其所面臨之人才招募議題,可先透過提升履歷篩選效率、強化應徵者適任程度評估工具,以及增加招募管道等方式加以解決。惟面對無法改變的大數據應用發展趨勢,A公司仍應及早擬定導入計劃並適時啟動,以免錯失先機。 關鍵字:大數據、人力資源、人才招募


大數據 人力資源 人才招募


There is no doubt, in recent years, Big Data has significant influence and impact on both the “quality” as well as the “quantity” of the business operations, individual behavior and our life style. On one hand, it made the business operations and individual behavior more transparent and easy to track, and by analyzing the relevance of each record and activity, Big Data could provide more innovative, convenient, fast and safe products or services to customers (in terms of quality). On the other hand, Big Data’s incredible capability in processing numerous data (in terms of quantity) also contributed to the rapid development of IOT (Internet of Things) and smart life, which made different industries even closer to each other. In this research, we study, through literature review, case study (Company A) and expert interview etc., the feasibility to apply Big Data analysis in Human Resources management, especially for talent acquisition. Also, we provide practical solutions to company A for its recruitment issues. The two major conclusions we made for this study are: First of all, HR can really take advantage of Big Data analysis to address many issues related to human resources management, including talent acquisition. Google, Xerox, Transcom and LinkedIn etc. have demonstrated encouraging progress to prove it. However, to maximize the return on investment, companies should still carefully conduct pros & cons evaluation before they really go for the Big Data analysis system. Secondly, after the completed review and assessment of the current situation of company A, we found that it is not necessary for the company to introduce the Big Data analysis system right away due to company size, risk and cost concerns. There are some alternative solutions for company A to fix its recruitment problems during the transitional period, which include: (1) Enhance the efficiency of resume screening process, (2) Strengthen the effectiveness of candidate evaluation process, and (3) Increase/diversify recruitment channels. Yet, it is still important for company A to well prepare, in advance, for the introduction of Big Data analysis system as it is an irresistible trend for all companies. Key words: Big Data, Human Resources, Talent Acquisition.


Big Data Human Resources Talent Acquisition


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