  • 學位論文


The Power of Civil Society---Take Gender Equality in Taiwan and Japan’s Family and Succession Law As an Example

指導教授 : 葉俊榮


在日本治台時期,台灣與日本的法制曾有約莫五十年的歷史相會,然而隨著二戰結束,二者也分道揚鑣。日本迅速地在1947年訂定了新憲法,各式法律也隨之修訂,而當時的台灣則適用中華民國法律。以此作為出發點,本文觀察台灣及日本自1947年迄今在性別平等法制上的演變,發現二者呈現不同的發展模式:日本身分法在1947年時基本上已踐行形式上的性別平等,然而,從1947到2017的五十年間,日本在從形式平等走向實質平等的道路卻是篳路藍縷,直到2017年時,日本在許多面向上都未能實踐性別平等。而台灣的民法雖然在1947年時仍有許多歧視女性的規定,但在1980年代以降卻有快速的進展,時至今日,除了零星的規定外,在整體法制上可謂已落實性別平等。 上述狀況不禁讓筆者開始思考,究竟是什麼因素使得台灣及日本的性別平等法制的發展模式如此不同?筆者認為,台灣的性別平等法制之所以能快速發展導因於市民社會的積極參與,而日本則因較為缺乏市民社會的督促而難以迅速實踐實質上的性別平等。 本文在觀察台灣及日本性別平等法制的演變過程中發現,無論是台灣或日本的法院,在處理性別平等問題時都極為保守,法院只願意守護形式上的平等,但卻對於實質上的不平等視而不見,此點突顯出市民社會在法制推動上可能具有的重要意義。而台灣及日本性別平等法制的發展歷程映證了此一觀點:台灣性別平等法制的快速發展是由市民社會的力量催生了一系列違憲解釋並推動了修法及立法;而日本性別平等法制的發展歷程則以反例映證了市民社會的重要性,在戰後初期,日本出現了一次性別平等法制的大躍進,但很大程度上係肇因於外在的壓力──美軍的要求,在美軍撤走之後,因為內部動能不足,使得日本從形式平等走向實質平等的步伐十分緩慢;同樣的狀況在日本因國際壓力而批准《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》時又上演了一次,日本再次因為外壓而作出改變,但卻因市民社會的推力不足,使得在實踐上未能徹底落實該公約之精神。 本文進一步以宏觀的角度觀察台灣市民社會的發展,發現市民社會絕非僅能參與性別、環境等單一議題,從推動解嚴的美麗島到解嚴後的野百合以及太陽花運動,在在映證即便是憲政領域亦有市民社會參與的空間。而日本則因政經結構、勞動政策、歷史文化等因素,相較於其他的先進國家,市民社會相當不活絡,雖然在1990年代左右開始漸漸發展,但歷史的沉痾過重,市民社會的發展仍然有限。日本市民社會的轉機在2011年再次來到,福島核災之後,東北的復興需要市民團體的參與,此外,政府與企業聯手打造的「核電絕對安全」的神話也被打破,使民眾開始反思在政策形成過程中缺少市民社會的參與所帶來的弊端,刺激了市民社會的發展。最後,本文期許,不論是台灣或是日本的市民社會在往後都能進一步發展,並積極參與政策形成,將國家發展帶至更好的循環。


性別平等 婦女運動 台灣 日本 市民社會


Japan and Taiwan applied same law system during the Japan-Occupied Period; however, along with the end of World War Two, they went separate way. Japan enacted new constitution and modified other law stipulations around 1947, whereas at that time, Taiwan applied to the law system of Republic of China (ROC). Take this as a start point, this article observe the different development module of gender equality relevant law system in Taiwan and Japan. Japan has achieved formal gender equality in law system, however, experienced a hard time to trying to achieve virtual gender equality during 1947 to 2917. On the other hand, Taiwan’s Civil Law consists many gender inequality stipulations in 1947, but modified them rapidly after 1980s and only left few inequality stipulations nowadays. The article finds out it is the civil society that makes the development path of Taiwan and Japan so different. Both Taiwan and Japan’s courts is quite conservative when dealing with gender equality issues. The courts simply willing to guard formal equality but neglect virtual equality and this attitude outstands the important role of civil society. The development path of gender equality relevant law system in Taiwan and Japan proves this view point. It is the active female movement in Taiwan that pushes Constitutional Court to make a series of unconstitutional judgement, and also drives Legislation to enact and modified relevant laws. On the other hand, due to political, historical, and economical factors, the female movement in Japan is relatively inactive which slows up the development of virtual equality in Japan. Moreover, the article also observes the civil society of Taiwan, and finds out that what civil society can engage is not confined to a certain issue such as gender equality. Take kaohsiung incident(美麗島事件) and Sunflower Movement(太陽花事件) as an example, civil society even can engage in constitutional issues. On the other hand, due to economic, cultural, and labor factors, although gradually started to grow since 1990s, comparing with other developed countries, civil society in Japan remains relatively inactive since 1960s. Nevertheless, Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 stimulated the growing of civil society. In the end, the article expects that the civil society both in Taiwan and Japan could keep growing and bring the countries into a better circulation.


gender equality female movement Taiwan Japan civil society


1. 中文文獻
1.1. 專書及譯著
