  • 學位論文


Banning drunk driving policies and the implementation of performance - A Case Study of New Taipei City

指導教授 : 陳明通


近年台灣酒後駕車違規頻繁,對人身安全造成嚴重危害。酒駕不只造成自己跟家人終身的遺憾,更造成社會成本的損失及無辜第三人的損傷。每件造成重大傷亡的酒駕事故,都引發社會輿論高度關注及媒體大篇幅報導,台灣民眾也開始群起撻伐酒駕行為。為了宣示政府取締酒駕之決心,警政機關出動優勢警力,加強臨檢攔查以遏止民眾酒駕之行為發生。本研究主要探討警察提高執法能見度,是否更能嚇阻民眾,使其不敢酒後駕車違規?本研究並研擬出未來酒後駕車之取締政策修正,提供實務單位適切的勤務規劃執行策略,且探討影響基層員警取締酒後駕車意願及第一線執行勤務時所面臨之困境。 本研究根據新北市政府警察局二代交通管理系統分析警察取締酒後駕車之績效,透過酒後駕車肇事及取締資料統計分析的現況,並配合深度訪談法藉以了解交通專業執法人員面對取締酒後駕車勤務執行面之相關問題,研擬更適合之取締酒後駕車政策,提供建議回饋警政機關,以有效防制酒後駕車及避免民眾生命、財產遭受損害。本研究後續希望透過擴大研究區域及議題並擴大對酒駕累犯調查,藉以瞭解累犯刑度是否過輕,以提供警政機關後續參考,防止民眾酒後駕車,發揮酒駕零容忍精神。 本研究政策建議後續重要課題為:加強員警執法訓練、增加應勤裝備多樣性、發揮警民合作、加重酒駕累犯刑責的可行性,並且提高取締酒後駕車獎勵制度。


Drunk driving has become a serious threat to public safety in Taiwan in recent years. Drunk driving not only causes individual’s loss of life and imposes regrettable harm on surviving family members, it also wreaks a staggering toll on society and the incalculable loss of life of the innocent third party involved. For each fatal crash case of drunk driving, it often draws high public attention and media exposure. Taiwanese public has gradually been aware of the gravity of this issue and reacted strongly against drunk driving. In order to demonstrate government’s determination to fight against drunk driving, the National Police Agency and the law enforcement have deployed large number of roadside sobriety checkpoints to help prevent drunk driving. This thesis focuses on the discussion of whether high visibility of members of law enforcement on the street effects to stop drivers from driving under influence. This thesis also proposes future policy amendment in clamping down drunk driving; providing pragmatic operative strategy for local operative police units; investigating police’s inclination to execute drunk driving clamp down actions and the challenges low-ranking policemen face on the front line of their actions. According to data analysis results collected by New Taipei City Police Department’s second-generation traffic management system, this thesis further studies currents data on drunk driving accidents and police clamp down results, combined with in-depth interview research method in order to further understand related issues faced by members of professional traffic law enforcement on the site of drunk driving clamp down. This thesis aims to propose more effective drunk driving clamp down policy and helps the law enforcement to better prevent drunk driving and saves the lives and property of civilians. In the future, this thesis plans to extend the area and issues of its current topic, consolidating different perspectives of policy makers and the frontline law enforcement members and providing useful policy suggestions. This thesis proposes several important steps in the future: to refine the skills and equipment of members of law enforcement; to increase cooperation between the police force and civilians and finally, the possibility of a stiffer punitive measures on convicted drunk drivers.


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