  • 學位論文


A Study on the Industry Structure and Competitive Dynamics of Quartz Based Frequency Control Component Industry and Strategies of Major Firms in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李吉仁


本研究聚焦於石英元件在全球頻率控制元件產業的結構演變,以及主要廠商的策略行動,以競爭理論視角與實務資訊、訪談,探究關鍵成功要素、產業動態模式與未來發展方向。進而,也對台灣廠商的競爭條件及全球佈局,提出分析後的洞見與建議。 在問題意識方面,本研究提出兩個大方向的命題,希望探求石英元件產業的關鍵成功要素,回應該產業特性與主要廠商的競爭優劣勢與策略作為。本研究從產業競爭著手,側重於產業相對位置關係觀點的五力分析架構。在釐清各自的相對條件後,再進一步以策略行為分類或分組,進行策略群組的多重比較。綜觀而論,藉由質性研究方法,本研究綜合比較多方次級資料,再以具體的市場量化資訊為輔,為該產業的從業廠商提供一個清晰的競合策略輪廓。其次,透過產業層次、競業層次與企業層次,層層解析,以及從文獻至實務多重來源資訊的五階段分析架構,終從市場實務找到線索,歸納出結論。 本文認為,石英產業的全球競爭條件、機會與挑戰隨著時代演變,競爭思維已漸漸從價格戰往附加價值的整合思考。由於相對位置與產業成熟的特性,競爭者或合作者更應該思考「互補性」的調和,才能有利互惠,靈活整合。尤其在石英晶體元件的下游日趨多元應用、上游更多技術突破的時代,相互間的競爭關係也將更複雜化,在取捨策略上也更要留意彼此之間的抗衡與互補。而在台灣廠商面對全球競爭的優劣與建議發展方向部分,本研究則認為,台灣廠商位於全球供應鏈中相對較低利潤的位置,更需要關注互補的供應鏈空間,而非一味投入成熟製程或技術的開發,與既有大型競爭者進行直接而強烈的對抗。也因此,本研究於結論提出策略實務的見解,並建議台灣廠商聚焦於優勢項目,建立合作契機,而不直接對抗,以利優勢的發揮。


This study attempts to explore the environment and important players in quartz crystal frequency control device industry, including their strategic actions, market evolution, product factors…etc., and to build a view on this industry’s competitive landscape, through gathered industry information and interviews, to figure out the key factors of success, the industry’s dynamic model and the future trend. Moreover, this study intends to provide some useful suggestions to Taiwanese companies in the industry on competitive factors and global strategies going forward. We first attempt to explore and figure out key success factors and the competitive model in this industry. We use Porter’s five-force analysis framework to analyze this industry’s relative position in the market in order to understand its competitive environment and figure out industry success factors. After clarifying its relative position and industry success factors, we apply strategic group analysis to understand relative positions of major players and mobility barriers between groups by mapping players against each other under different competitive activities. In summary, via qualitative research approach, we compared and analyzed secondary data and information from various sources. In addition, we used quantitative evidences from the market as clues of industry players’ competitive status. After these research works on the industry level, competitor level and firm level, we obtained a clear concept and outline of the key factors in the industry and can provide constructive conclusions. In conclusion, we are convinced players in the industry should think more strategically on the “complementary” position in co-opetition. As the industry dynamic becomes more complex, how to create healthy competition gets more crucial. We believe it is especially important to companies in Taiwan to focus on building strategic strength so that it can be leveraged to obtain cooperation opportunity with other industry players to achieve better growth and position in the industry.


1. 林逸倫(2013),「企業環境、經營績效與競爭策略之研究-以石英元件個案公司爲例」,私立東海大學高階經營管理在職專班碩士論文。
2. 曾榮孟(2016),「臺灣石英産業之競爭策略-以S公司爲例」,私立逢甲大學經營管理碩士在職專班碩士論文。
3. 台灣晶技(2020),2019公司年報,桃園:台灣晶技股份有限公司。
https://doc.twse.com.tw/pdf/2019_3042_20200609F04_20220219_175245.pdf (2021-8-17)
