  • 學位論文


Discussion on the Online Interpersonal Relationship in terms of the Computer-Mediated Communication: a Research of Yahoo! Friends-Making Website

指導教授 : 彭文正 卓亞雄


近年來,傳播通訊科技的發達,造成現代人生活方式全面性的改變,有越來越多人的日常生活離不開網際網路。而網路也從最初的國防軍事應用,逐漸演變運用到學術研究、商業活動,甚至到今日,網路似乎已經成為溝通、學習、娛樂、和社交不可或缺的媒介。 換句話說,網際網路已不再是過去難以學習、有接近性門檻、多為協助專業人士處理專業事務的工具,轉而成為更生活化、更貼近人們需求的幫手。它非旦顛覆許多企業經營的方式,更逐漸滲透至我們日常生活中。而從中產生的改變,又以網路如何從虛擬走向真實、影響真實最令人玩味。 尤其是針對國內會員人數最多、最大也最受歡迎的入口網站,雅虎奇摩開始經營「網路交友」以來,透過其友善的使用者介面,把交友「簡單化」、「遊戲化」、「商品化」、「數字化」、「競爭化」、「快速化」,進而掀起國內網路交友旋風。 因此本研究主要將探討「網路交友者動機及其使用行為」、比較「電腦中介傳播(CMC)和面對面人際傳播(FTF)的異同」,再透過使用者角度針對「雅虎奇摩交友的使用和進行方式」提出討論。 至於國內其他相關研究多聚焦於「網路在人際關係上所扮演的重要角色」、和「網路關係的發展歷程」等,則非本文關注的焦點。 研究方法上,筆者將結合質化研究(Qualitative Inquiry)中的「參與觀察法」(Participant Observation)和「深度訪談」(In-depth Interview)方式倂行,來進行研究。透過和其他網友互動、和親身加入網路交友平台,了解、熟悉雅虎奇摩交友的運作機制。也就是「先參與觀察」、「後深入訪談」。 而在深度報導的呈現方式上,筆者將分別以「報導者」、「研究者」、「使用者」三種不同角度切入,以雅虎奇摩交友網站為研究平台,針對參與其中的會員進行個人深度分析報導、找出議題,探究、描述、解釋網路交友族群的使用行為,並進一步分析雅虎奇摩交友受歡迎且成功的因素。


The development of communication technology has caused an overwhelming impact to everyone on every possible way. Some people even cannot live without the Internet for one day. The application of the Internet, however, is different from what it used to be. At the beginning, it was only applied to national defense and military affairs, but now it is used in communication, education, entertainment, and so on. In other words, the Internet is no longer inaccessible, or limited to a specialized field and professional subject, it is more like a handful assistant to us. It not only helps running a large enterprise, but affects our daily life as well. Besides, people would like to know how it has been transforming virtuality into reality, and further, influencing reality. For instance, since Yahoo!, the biggest and the most popular portal site in Taiwan, provided the service of “online friends-making”, more and more people have logged in the website and registered, trying to make some friends or build up interpersonal relationships through the net. Making friends has then become much more simplified, game-like, commercialized, numerable, competitive, and fast. This research will focus on the making-friends-online users and their behaviors. What’s more, it aims to discuss the similarities and the differences between computer-mediated-communication to face-to-face communication will also be the emphases of this research. Still, the thesis will introduce the Yahoo! Friends-making system, including its functions and how users should make friends through it. The “Participant Observation” and the “In-depth Interview” are two mainly methodological practices of this research. By registering myself on the website and having frequent interactions with other members in Yahoo!, I can be more involved and more familiar with this online friends-making platform. The thesis will be presented in terms of a researcher, a reporter, moreover, and a making-friends-online user. Based on Yahoo! Friends-making website, I will try my best to analyze, to explore, to describe, and to explain other users’ thoughts and behaviors, then find out the reason why Yahoo! Friends-making website is popular and successful.




