  • 學位論文


An Analysis on Planting Cost of Plantation–the Cases of Chitou and Hoshe districts of the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University

指導教授 : 鄭欽龍


本研究應用成本函數理論,以台大實驗林溪頭及和社營林區之造林台帳資料,分析造林成本與其面積的關係,及此成本之變化趨勢。 研究結果顯示,溪頭及和社造林成本與其面積呈顯著之正向關係,且面積此一變數較其它解釋變數影響程度更為明顯,可見成本函數理論可用於解釋造林成本。此外,由鄒氏檢定得知,溪頭1975年至1990年與1991年至2004年,以及和社1950年至1974年與1975年至1990年兩時期的成本函數相同,此結果顯示,不同時期的林業政策影響人工林地面積。另應用本研究模型推估,除溪頭在1975年後且造林面積在6.36公頃以上,每公頃平均造林成本隨人工林地面積擴大而增加外,其餘之平均成本皆隨造林地面積增加而減少。


By the application of the theory of cost function, this study used the planting cost data of Chitou and Hoshe districts of the experimental forest of National Taiwan University, to analyze the relationship between the planting cost and size of plantation, and trend of planting costs. The study result indicated that planting costs had a significantly positive relationship with size of plantation at Chitou and Hoshe, and size was the most important explainatory variable among others. It showed that the theory of cost function was applicable to interpret the planting cost. Furthermore, by Chow test it found that both of the time periods 1975~1990 and 1991~2004 of Chitou, the time periods 1950~1974 and 1975~1990 of Hoshe, had same cost functions. The result indicated the size of plantation was influenced by forest policies in different periods. At Chitou, the plantation after 1975 and larger than 6.36ha, the average planting cost per hectare was increased as the size became larger. Except that, the average cost was decreased as the size of plantation became larger.


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