  • 學位論文


A Study on Government Reengineering in the Government Employee Ethics Units, Republic of China (Taiwan)

指導教授 : 陳德禹
共同指導教授 : 管高岳


1992年6月 「政風機構人員設置條例」完成立法程序、各政風機構陸續成立後,翌年(1993年)起迄今,政風組織一直爭取司法警察權,並企圖以設置「專責廉政機構」來改造政風組織,卻一直無法達成願望。就我國的廉政制度而言,此願望應否予以實現,是一個值得探討的重要問題。 而目前國內討論是否成立「專責廉政機構」,多以比較新加坡、香港……等外國績效卓著的廉政制度,來作為我國借鏡。然而因各國文化背景與整體法規體制出入甚大,是否成立「專責廉政機構」,經常因不同研究者個人觀點不同,而對同一現象發生見仁見智的爭論。本研究認為需改弦更張,故採用系統科學的研究途徑,研究在政風組織的現況及政府改造的環境限制下,從我國廉政系統的結構、貪瀆問題的發生與控制,探討我國廉政系統的盲點及政風組織改造可能性,試圖從我國政府廉政的整體架構,來解決應否成立「專責廉政機構」,這個自政風組織成立以來,即一直伴隨政風組織改造的爭議問題。據此,本研究並衍生出三個研究目的: 一、釐清政風組織的原始使命,使政風組織的存在價值更加清晰。 二、深入瞭解整體政府組織再造工程對政風組織造成何種影響。 三、探索政風組織的改造法案,如何提升政風組織整體效能。 本研究的發現與見解如下: 從系統科學的觀點來看,政風組織在廉政控制意義上,為蒐集及時與正確的機關貪瀆資訊的感受器,以及整理、傳遞、觸發廉政機制的啟動器,並不是直接發揮廉政效果的廉政控制器。而接受政風機構貪瀆資訊傳遞者,如果是一個對貪瀆資訊反應遲鈍的控制器,或是貪瀆資訊在傳遞過程受到噪音污染而滅失,以致廉政機制無法啟動,將限制政風機構機能的發揮。因此政風機構極力爭取設立與政風機構直接聯結的廉政控制器──「專責廉政機構」,來作為政風組織改造的主要訴求。 成立「專責廉政機構」,一方面在貪瀆犯罪調查方面,政風機構對於「專責廉政機構」具有直接溝通、調整控制信號的作用;另一方面由於政風機構具有「專責廉政機構」作為後盾,機關首長在實施廉政控制時,不得不重視政風機構的前饋信號,來調整其控制行為,這樣整體廉政控制的效能才能有效提升。 惟以成立「專責廉政機構」來改造政風組織,立法上有其困難,因此本研究建議在推動立法期間,應該考慮同時進行其他政風組織修編工作。朝「政風機構、員額採總量控管」、「各政風機構業務重點、人員、預算視事實需要彈性分配」、「以評鑑制度加強政風人員彈性分配的客觀性」等方向規劃,在政府改造工程的框架上,從法制上將設立政風組織的法令依據「政風機構人員設置條例」及其施行細則作適度的修改。同時需建立一套高信度、效度且具公信力的標準,來測量各機關的廉政成效,讓政風組織的工作效益,能客觀的展現出來,這都是政風組織應持續努力的目標之一。


Since the enactment of the “Act of the Establishment of the Government Employee Ethics Units and Officers” in the ROC in Jun 1992, many government employee ethnics units have been established one after another. From 1993 to the present, the Government Employee Ethics Units have been seeking to gain judicial investigation and set up “an exclusive anti-corruption department” to reform or reengineer their organization. However, their wishes have not been realized. In terms of the anti-corruption system in our nation, whether their wishes can be realized is an important issue. Of domestic studies on whether “an exclusive anti-corruption department” should be established, most proposed to employ the excellent anti-corruption systems in Singapore, Hong Kong, and etc. as a reference for our nation. Due to the significant difference in cultural background and legal systems in between these nations and ours, whether or not an exclusive anti-corruption department should be established usually ended up with incongruent conclusions, depending on the perspective of the researchers. Therefore, this study proposed to take the approach of systems science. On the strength of systems science, the current situations of the Government Employee Ethics Units and the environment based on government reengineering were explored. From the structure of the domestic anti-corruption system and the occurrence or control of corruption, this study further investigated the blind point of the domestic anti-corruption system and feasibility of reengineering the current in the Government Employee Ethics Units, in an attempt to address the issue of whether to establish an exclusive anti-corruption department, which has been controversial since the establishment of the Government Employee Ethics Units. As a result, the objectives of this study were: 1. To clarify the original mission of the Government Employee Ethics Units and the value of their existence. 2. To probe into the impact of government reengineering on the Government Employee Ethics Units. 3. To explore the reengineering laws of the Government Employee Ethics Units and how they can improve the overall effectiveness of the Government Employee Ethics Units. From the perspective of systems science, the Government Employee Ethics Units are Sensors which collect instant and correct information of corruption, Display Data Channels which deliver information of corruption, and Starters which trigger the Controllers of the anti-corruption mechanisms in the government. They are not anti-corruption controllers having direct effects on anti-corruption. Instead, they are merely deliverers of corruption information. If the controllers are insensitive to corruption information or the corruption information is polluted or cleared during the delivery process, anti-corruption mechanisms may not be instantly activated, thus restraining the functions of the Government Employee Ethics Units. This is why the Government Employee Ethics Units have been seeking to set up the anti-corruption controller—an exclusive anti-corruption department—which is directly associated with the Government Employee Ethics Units to reform their organization. The purpose of establishing an “exclusive anti-corruption department”, on one hand, is to facilitate investigation of corruption and malfeasance of government employees. The Government Employee Ethics Units can directly communicate with this exclusive anti-corruption department and adjust the control signals. On the other hand, this exclusive department can be the support for the Government Employee Ethics Units. Directors and governors of the government will attach much importance to the feed forward signals of the Government Employee Ethics Units and adjust their control behaviors accordingly. As a result, the effectiveness of the entire anti-corruption control can be enhanced. However, it may be difficult in legislation that the Government Employee Ethics Units reengineer their organizations through establishment of an “exclusive anti-corruption department”. Therefore, it was suggested that during the legislation period, streamlining the organizations should be considered. Based on the directions of “control of quotas of ethics units and officers”, “flexible distribution of tasks, officers, and budgets, depending on realistic needs”, and “using an appraisal system to increase the objectivity of official deployment”, the Government Employee Ethics Units should be properly amending “Act of the Establishment of the Government Employee Ethics Units and Officers” and enforcement rules under the framework of government reengineering. Moreover, a highly reliable, valid, and trustworthy standard should also be set up to measure the ethics of each government organization or employee to objectively demonstrate the effectiveness of the government. All of these are the goals to be attained by the current Government Employee Ethics Units.


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