  • 學位論文


A Method of Green Modular Design Based on Atomic Theory

指導教授 : 陳湘鳳


隨著生產技術的進步加上消費者喜好的快速變化,消費性電子產品廢棄物逐年不斷地增加,大量成長的廢棄物已經造成環境上的負擔。近年來環保意識抬頭及環境保護法規的設立,要求規範廠商生產環境友好產品以滿足市場需求,在此背景之下,綠色設計成了解決問題的方法之一。模組化設計對於環境保護的改善有相當大的助益,設計人員若能在產品設計階段即考量產品綠色模組化設計,不僅可以幫助廠商降低生產成本、製造出滿足客戶功能需求的產品,同時產品也能符合日漸嚴苛的環境保護相關法規、減少產品廢棄物對於環境的衝擊及影響。 本論文以原子理論為基礎,根據產品零件的接觸矩陣及距離矩陣描述零件間相依程度與接觸關係,找出零件於模組內的重要程度、產生構造性模組化設計;基於產品構造性模組化設計,加入生命週期末期相對價值等綠色設計概念,重新設計產品模組構造,使產品構造簡化、方便產品於組裝製造階段能快速生產,有利產品生命週期末期的後續處理程序,如回收、重複使用或是維護升級。 本研究方法兼顧產品原有的物理性質(模組構造)及功能性質之外,同時成功地產生產品綠色模組化設計。設計人員可藉由本研究方法提前於設計階段驗證產品模組化設計之可行性,確認產品模組設計是否滿足綠色設計。最後,我們以檯燈及行動電話為實例,實際驗證本論文所介紹的綠色模組化設計方法。


In recent years, short product cycle times and rapid changes in consumer demand have caused an increasing amount of consumer electronics product waste. Increasing product waste has, in turn, put a growing burden on the environment. Environmental concerns have led to regulations that require manufacturers to produce environmentally friendly products that meet both market and regulatory demands. Green design techniques can help designers create environmentally friendly products for today’s complex market. In particular, modular design has a big impact on product environmental performance. Modular design can also help manufacturers meet customers’ functional requirements and lower production costs. This study introduces a green design technique that uses atomic theory to generate modules based upon contact and dependency relationships between components in the product. The technique adds end of life value and environmental characteristics to a physical structural product model to redesign product modules. The study also presents case studies for a lamp and mobile phone to demonstrate the method. Results show that the method is an efficient technique for green modular design that can be used to meet increasingly stringent environmental regulations and reduce environmental impacts.


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