  • 學位論文

俄羅斯軟體產業國際競爭力分析: 波特鑽石模型觀點

International Competitiveness Analysis of Russia’s Software Industry: Porter’s Diamond Model Perspective

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


蘇聯於1990年解體之後, 俄羅斯雖然成功從計畫經濟轉成市場經濟, 但是它並沒有及時進行經濟轉型, 並過度依賴自己的很豐富的天然資源, 包含石油、 天然氣、 各種金屬等等. 原物料價格高的時代, 表面上的效果相當好, 不過, 最近幾年世界經濟跟俄羅斯經濟上的趨勢表明, 這個發展策略並不合理. 俄羅斯經濟需要新的發展動力, 而考慮到俄羅斯龐大土地、 基礎設施不足、 工業基礎較弱等因素以及俄羅斯現有的一些優勢, 軟體產業是非常適當的選擇. 本研究嘗試用邁克爾·波特於1990年提出的, John Dunning於1993年補充的鑽石模型來研究俄羅斯軟體產業競爭力. 本論文從外國公司來俄羅斯進行軟體開發外包, 以及俄羅斯本土公司開發出具有國際競爭力的產品或服務等兩個面向看俄羅斯軟體產業發展現況與展望. 與以前的研究不一樣, 本論文不但挑出俄羅斯軟體產業現有的強項跟不足之處, 而且也提供一系列能夠加強優勢跟應對劣勢的政策意見供各層面決策者應用. 該政策意見被整理成一個系統, 以鑽石模型四個要素為基礎, 針對個別公司, 產業組織, 相關產業, 政府和跨國公司等五個層面分別提出建議, 並強調各層次之間合作的重要性. 所探索出來的問題以及解決方案都結合在一起形成一個表格, 以進一步增加實用性並讓讀者能夠更快把握本研究的重點. 本研究發現,俄羅斯雖然在人才等方面具有一定的優勢,而且總體經濟環境惡化對俄羅斯資訊科技跟軟體產業的負面影響有限,但是,企業策略缺乏全面性、創業環境不完整、教育對職場需求反應過慢、國家減稅之外的支持嚴重不足而政策焦點放錯、國際化程度低等問題使本產業國際競爭力無法進一步提升.為了應對來自中國,印度等開發中國家的競爭壓力,各層次的決策者必須協力解決該問題,使軟體產業成為俄羅斯經濟的新的發展動力.


After the collapse of Soviet Union in 1990s, Russia has successfully transferred from planned economy to a market-based one; however, it has not performed so well in transforming its economic structure and chose to rely on its abundant natural resources such as oil, natural gas, metals etc. When commodity prices were high, Russia’s economic development looked good at first glance, however, the recent trends in both global and Russian economy show that such strategy is not sustainable. Russian economy needs a new engine of growth, and, after taking into consideration the vast territory, lack of infrastructure as well as relatively weak industrial base, software industry seems to be a very suitable choice. This study uses the diamond model proposed by Michael Porter in 1990 and amended by John Dunning in 1993 to assess the international competitiveness of Russia’s software industry from two perspectives: - feasibility for foreign firms to outsource software development to Russia, - possibility for Russian firms to create products and services that are competitive on the global market Unlike previous researches on this topic, this paper not only outlines the strengths and weaknesses that Russia’s software industry has right now, but also proposes a series of policy measures for decision makers at various levels aimed at supporting the strengths and addressing the shortcomings. In this study, policy implications have been arranged in a system based on the four determinants of Porter’s diamond and have been divided into five levels, namely individual firm, industry, cross-industry, government and multinational; also, the importance of cooperation and coordination between various levels has been emphasized many times. The results have been organized into a table to make it easier to grasp the essence of this research. It has been found that, while Russia does have competitive advantage in, for example, highly skilled human resources, also, the deterioration in macroeconomic environment has had a limited impact on the IT and software industry development, such issues as shortsighted firm strategies, shortcomings in startup ecosystem, slow adjustment of education system to latest tendencies on the labor market, serious lack of non-tax support from the government as well as low level of globalization has become an obstacle to a further improvement in global competitiveness of the industry in question. In order to withstand the competitive pressure from China, India and other emerging economies, policy and decision makers at various levels should coordinate their efforts in addressing those shortcomings and making software industry a new engine of growth for Russian economy.


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