  • 學位論文


The Cultural Politics of Space—The Formation and Transformation of Authenticity and Integrity of Heritage Tourism in Dasi Township, Taoyuan

指導教授 : 姜蘭虹


大溪曾經是台灣最內陸且繁盛的河港之一,但是在全球經濟變遷、交通運輸工具的革新、政治軍事策略的抑制等因素的背景之下,發展的腳步逐漸減緩。近年來懷舊意識興起,襲產成為民眾注視的焦點,進而成為發展旅遊的主題。經歷繁盛與沒落的大溪,就在前總統蔣介石入厝之後,無意間使其悠久的發展歷史,成為發展旅遊的最佳主題。但是就現今的襲產旅遊發展趨勢當中發現,大溪老街以及慈湖成為兩個最熱門的襲產旅遊景點,對照大溪整體歷史發展與現今所保存的襲產資源而言,並非是以面狀發展,而產生空間脈絡的集中化與時間脈絡的破碎化。本文引用襲產旅遊的原真性 (authenticity) 以及襲產保育的完整性 (integrity) 概念來討論大溪在發展襲產旅遊時所產生的問題。 內文包括了三個討論議題。首先是有關大溪襲產保育以及襲產旅遊發展的權益關係人 (stakeholders);本文嘗試釐清這些公 (中央、地方政府) 私 (地方組織、居民) 部門的權益關係人在襲產保育與的襲產旅遊互動關係,藉由這些權益關係人的互動關係,推論出他們的互動是影響大溪襲產旅遊發展缺乏原真性與完整性的關鍵因素;接著,在缺乏原真性與完整性的襲產旅遊發展的情況下,回頭探討現今熱門的大溪老街以及慈湖等襲產,以其在不同時代被賦予的空間意義的變遷,討論其原先給人的繁忙 (老街)、神秘、威權 (慈湖) 等空間形式是如何被轉化成今日懷舊、休閒的空間形式,以至於成為現今大溪地區襲產旅遊最重要且熱門的資源;最後,延續大溪襲產旅遊的發展脈絡來看,觀察近期的發展狀況,在缺乏原真性與完整性的襲產旅遊發展下,以文化、社會、經濟等三個面向來分析,探討大溪面臨區域發展失衡的問題,如文化缺乏原真性與完整性、交通問題等。


Located in northern Taiwan, Dasi was a blooming inland port city for close to one hundred years from the Ching Dynasty to the Japanese Era. However, due to global economic transitions, transportation innovation, and military control, the development of Dasi gradually slowed down. Recently, Dasi has been getting public attention as a heritage site due to a sense of nostalgia, with its development focusing on heritage tourism. With Dasi Old Streets and the site of the mausoleum of past president Chiang Kai Shek at Cihhu close by, Dasi has become a major destination of heritage tourism. However, the tourism development in Dasi appears to be temporally fragmented and spatially centralized. In this paper, I use the concept of authenticity and integrity in heritage tourism and conservation to examine the problems that result from heritage tourism development. Three issues are discussed in this article. First, by clarifying the interaction between public and private organizations, I discuss how the unauthentic and disintegrated heritage tourism development is reached. Second, through a transformation from busy and mystical images/memories into recent nostalgic and leisurely ones, which form the elements of present day heritage tourism, I discuss how ideas of Dasi Old Streets and Cihhu come to be. Finally I examine the social, economic and cultural dimensions of regional development problems due to unauthentic and disintegrated heritage tourism, as manifested in traffic jams and various other aspects of unbalanced growth.


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