  • 學位論文


A Study on Private Participation in Development of Industrial Park Facing Development Issues and Response Strategies

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


台灣是海島型國家,天然資源貧瘠,必須靠出口賺取外匯,才能改善政府財政收支,而台灣產業發展型態則從民國49年歷經手工業、輕工業、加工製造業、機械及基礎工業、精密機械製造業、高科技業以迄現今之生技產業,此期間,政府為落實工業發展政策,自49年首創基隆六堵工業區後,即依不同階段之經建計劃推動工業區開發,但政府財政沉重,遂訂頒工業區開發專法(獎勵投資條例、促進產業升級條例、產業創新條例),鼓勵工業主管機關(工業局、直轄市或縣市政府)、公民營事業、土地所有權人及興辦工(產)業人,勘選一定地區面積達一定規模之土地,擬具可行性規劃報告,及依都市計劃法或區域計劃法、環境影響評估法與其他相關法規提送書件,經各該主管機關核准後,由中央主管機關核定產業園區之設置。 開發工業(產業)園區,土地與資金是最主要元素,而土地徵收費用佔工業區開發成本37%~43%,政府財政拮据,編列公務預算困難,遂於61年設立「工業區開發管理基金」,透過此基金籌措資金,由經濟部工業局主導國內工業區開發,隨後因能源危機、金融風暴,國內景氣歷經波折,加上中國大陸磁吸效應,傳統製造業紛紛歇業或西進,讓開發完成之工業區一片蕭條,導致開發中工業區土地嚴重滯銷,積壓近千億資金,促使中央政府不再負責開發工業區,改為輔導地方政府以「工業區開發專法」甄選民間企業參與工業區開發,達到引進民間資金參與產業園區開發之目的,惟民間參與所面臨法規面、制度面與財務面等實質問題,仍影響民間參與意願甚巨,本研究即透過國內工業區開發歷程,文獻回顧與分析,專論題目等探討民間參與產業園區開發問題之解決對策,提供參與產業園區開發者參考。 國內自民國88年桃園縣桃園科技園區開發迄今,政府與民間企業共同開發或開發中計7處,報編中計6處,預期將可吸引民間資金參與產業園區開發,有效減輕政府財政負擔及達到改善產業環境需求並提升就業人口,增加稅收,創造政府、民間、產業三贏之目的;然因,工業(產業)園區開發法令與申辦程序,迄今並不為民間企業所熟悉,且目前非都市土地報編產業園區用地,仍面臨法令執行與社會認知之差距,而政府鼓勵民間參與產業園區開發之誘因與民間投資開發之風險評估,尚未達合理之對價關係,導致招商困難,亟須由政府部門積極推動與民間企業公私合作(Public Private Partnership;PPP)關係,強化政府於此開發案中將擔負之責任,讓民間企業及融資機構充分熟悉法令,並協助排除投資障礙,以利開發單位控管風險,達到預期中之投資報酬,將是本研究之主要目的。


Taiwan is an island, being short of natural resources. Economy and governmental finance heavily rely on export; thus, to concentrate on a specialized industry within a period is an important policy. We have seen Taiwan started from hand craft products, following by light industry, processed manufacturing, mechanical and fundamental industry, delicate mechanical manufacturing, high tech industry and bio-technology industry, accordingly. To match industrial specialization, government designs specialized industrial zone that first initiated on 1960, namely Keelung Liudu Industrial Zone. The regulations that relate to industrial zones include Statue for the Engagement of Investment, Statute for Upgrading Industry, and Statute for Industry Innovation. Industry Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs is the key authority. These regulations not only govern industrial zones but also provide incentive of development participation. State owned and private organizations can apply for developing an industrial zone. Based on an offered industrial zone space, the applied organization prepares a feasibility study in compliance with Statue for Urban Plan or Statute for Region Plan, an environmental assessment study, plus other required materials to apply for approvals. Government provides many incentive based on such industrial zone related regulations. Land and capital are key factors of developing an industrial zone. Based on past statistics, costs of collecting necessary land count for 37%~43% of total developing costs. Government sets up a special governmental fund, entitled ‘Industrial Zone Developing Management Fund,’ mainly managed by Industry Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, for industrial zone development purpose. However, some significant environmental changes have ever happened subsequently, for examples, energy crisis, financial crisis, and others, plus many factories has moved to mainland China. All industrial zones face recess difficulty. As a result, all industrial zones idle substantial amount of capitals. Although government has adapted to establish ‘Industrial Zone Development Regulation,’ attempting to attract private sector to participate development, private sector has been short of incentive. This study aims to develop a new approach for examining how private sector has sufficient incentive to be a main developer of industrial zone. My study identifies the Taoyuan Technology Industrial Zone to be a new business model of industrial zone, established in 1999. Government and private sector have jointly developed 7 industrial zones and prepared 6 zones for jointly development in terms of this business model. This type of project has better incentive to attract private sector for mitigating financial burden of government, promoting employment, increasing taxation, and promoting specialized industry development. Thus, this is a real win-win business model. However, to promote efficiency of such a win-win project, some improvements are required. For example, government must simplify application procedure to facilitate participation of private sector; government has to well plan for classifying category of industrial zone land, and other efficiency requirement improvements. This study proposes and develops a Public Private Partnership (PPP) Approach under which government can continuously improve its regulation to induce better incentive of private sector for involving industrial zone development.


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