  • 學位論文


Two-channel Electrical Stimulator for Urinary Incontinence

指導教授 : 趙福杉 廖文劍


尿失禁問題一直存在於人們之中,它不僅僅造成患者本身的生理與心理方面的困擾,也耗費了不少社會資源。鑒於電刺激治療在各種尿失禁治療中,除了是屬於非破壞性治療使得患者接受度高外,在國外臨床實驗上也都驗證了電刺激至少都有50%以上的療效。所以在本論文中,研製了專門治療尿失禁的電刺激器,作為將來動物實驗甚至臨床實驗之設備。 本論文的電刺激器,其各項參數之選擇是以文獻為參考基礎,再與臨床醫師充分討論後,制定之最佳化規格。最後,確立採用獨立的雙通道定電流源輸出。採用省電之設計使系統能符合可攜式使用之目的,此電刺激器符合預期之表現。


尿失禁 電刺激器


Urinary Incontinence always exists in human being. It disturbs patients psychologically and physiologically and costs a lot of social resources. The method of Electrical Stimulation (ES) therapy is not a destructive therapy and is highly acceptable for patients in different urinary incontinence. This therapy possesses more than 50% effectiveness in foreign clinical trials. We developed an electrical stimulator for the therapy of urinary incontinence in this thesis. This device will be served as the instrument for animal investigations or clinical trials. The parameters of the proposed electrical stimulator were determined by referring the literatures and refined by medical doctors. This is to obtain an optimal specification for clinical applications. The stimulator has two independent current source outputs, low power consumption for portable use. Its performance meets the original goals.


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