  • 學位論文


The Performance Investigation of Air Recirculation for Heat Recovery in a Clothes Dryer

指導教授 : 陳希立


本研究主要針對烘衣機的排氣熱回收和再利用作性能的量測。其主要目的在於將部份烘衣機排放到外界的熱氣體,進行回收和再利用,以減少能源的浪費。回收的熱氣體經過預設的管路配置流經混合除濕槽和槽內氣體混合後進入電熱器加熱。隨著進氣溫度提高,烘衣機的電熱器可以用較少的電量來加熱空氣以達到相同的烘衣溫度。此方法可以減少烘衣機的電熱器的耗電量,同時亦可提高烘衣機的烘乾效率。 本研究首先針對一般家用的烘衣機做基礎實驗量測,經實驗量測得出一般家用的烘衣機的耗電量和烘乾效率等重要參數。之後再通過改良烘衣機的排氣管路,以達到有效的回風且依據不同回風比例作性能量測。實驗後比較一般家用烘衣機與不同回風比例時的各種實驗參數。此外本研究也利用SMER(specific moisture extraction rate)作為烘衣機性能指標的探討。 依實驗結果,本研究得出烘衣機在80%時的回風比例有最好的節能效益,約可減少25~30%烘衣機的耗電量且擁有最小的SMER和最佳的烘乾效率。此外在混合槽中加裝除濕裝置的烘衣機性能都比沒有加裝除濕裝置的烘衣機來的好。


烘衣機 熱回收 回風比例 烘乾效率 SMER


The study intends to develop a cloth dryer with a portion of re-circulate the exhaust air directly back into the drum. The main purpose of the study is recovering of heat and reusing of the exhaust air to decrease the waste of the energy. The re-circulate of the exhaust air will be inducted to a mixing and dehumidifier chamber and mix with the air inside before the mixing air induct into the drum. Meanwhile the exhaust air will cause the temperature of the mixing air to be risen. As a result of the risen temperature of the intake air, the power consumption of the heater will be lowered and the total power consumption is also lowered as well. The study discusses different designs of drying process of household clothes tumbler dryer. A parametric study was conducted to assess the effects of different re-circulation factor of the exhaust air on energy efficiency, drying efficiency and specific moisture extraction rate (SMER). The studies compare the energy efficiency, drying efficiency and specific moisture extraction rate (SMER) of the baseline with the different re-circulation factor. According to the experimental measurement results, an optimal efficiency is found at a re-circulation factor of about 80%. As an addition, the energy savings are in the range of 25~30% and has smallest SMER as well as the highest drying efficiency. Besides that, including a dehumidify device inside the mixing chamber will increase the performance of the dryer more than only re-circulating the exhaust air.


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