  • 學位論文

去中心化技術的中心化監理之可行性 ─外籍移工跨境匯兌初探

A Centralized Regulatory Regime for the Decentralized Blockchain Technology? : The Case of Foreign Workers' Cross-Border Remittance in Taiwan

指導教授 : 簡資修


我國自1989年有條件引進、並於1992年公布就業服務法後正式引進外籍移工至今已逾30年。由於移工不具我國國民身分且於我國沒有信用紀錄,傳統金融機構較不願提供金融服務,致使外籍移工跨境匯兌困難。近年我國人力需求不斷增加,在臺移工已超過70萬人,然而日益嚴格的洗錢防制規範與認識客戶要求,致使外籍移工仍難以匯款回國。 伴隨著網際網路盛行與消費習慣改變,無現金支付已成趨勢,創新金融科技的推陳出新往往挑戰現行金融法制,我國亦訂立電子票證管理條例、電子支付機構管理條例以及金融科技發展與創新實驗條例等規範以求因應。然而即使具彈性與包容的立法,仍維持傳統「監管者─中介者─使用者」的三方結構,受限於風險控管的高成本,具中心化組織之創新科技能否幫助外籍移工突破困境仍有待觀察。 2009年中本聰提出使用比特幣的點對點支付系統後,去中心化概念似乎得以在金融領域內實現。然而除部分項目外,多以中心化程度較高的各式創新技術主導虛擬通貨市場,直至2018年後去中心化金融(DeFi)始重新受到注目,若採取去中心化程度較高的區塊鏈技術提供金融服務,會產生僅有「使用者」的單獨結構,似有利於外籍移工等金融弱勢群體。然而去中心化技術本身具反監管的特性,勢必與中心化國家與金融中介產生衝突,本文歸納去中心化技術之核心特徵,並嘗試釐清特徵與中心化思維下現行法制之法律定性。 最後,本文嘗試運用去中心化技術提供跨境匯兌服務為前提,保留國家作為監管者的角色,透過國家研發與運用,得以一定程度排除技術與法規範之衝突,建立僅有「監管者─使用者」的二元結構,以利外籍移工匯兌。


Migrant workers have been introduced on conditions in Taiwan in 1989, and it had been over 30 years since the government passed The Employment Service Act in1992, legalizing the work of migrant workers. Traditional financial institutions tend to reject services for migrant workers in Taiwan because they don’t have national ID card and credit history. With the huge need of human resources, the migrant workers in Taiwan are over 700,000 people. Money laundering regulations and the Know Your Customers guidelines have become strict in recent years, so 700,000 migrant workers still cannot transfer money to their mother country. Since the popularity of the Internet and the cashless payment, FinTech is a great challenge to financial laws. The government have passed several new laws to respond the challenges, such as, the Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards Act, the Governing Electronic Payment Institutions Act, and the Financial Technology Development and Innovative Experimentation Act. Although the new laws are flexible and tolerant to innovative financial technology but still maintain the tripartism structure of the supervisor, the intermediary, and the user. With the limit of high costs of risk control, we need time to see if the centralized innovative technology can help migrant workers to get financial access or not. Since Satoshi Nakamoto propounded the theory of peer-to-peer electronic cash system in 2009, the decentralized technology seems to be realized in financial sector. However, except few FinTech projects, most of projects were centralized. In 2018, Decentralized Financial (DeFi) went virtual, and the concept of decentralized were tended again. If one uses DeFi technology, this will construct the “User-only” structure. It seems to be beneficial to underprivileged groups like migrant workers in Taiwan. In addition, DeFi technology which possess anti-regulatory character must come into collision with centralized government agencies and financial institutions. This article try to induce the core feature of DeFi technology, clarify its legal characterization, and analyze the challenges to our centralized legal systems. Finally, this article claim that the country should develop and use decentralized technology to supply cross border remittance, with the benefits of solving the conflicts of technology and the legal norms, creating the bilateral structure of the supervisor and the user, and promoting the equal access of migrant workers.


Primavera De Filippi, Aaron Wright著、王延川譯、徐珮菱校訂(2019),區塊鏈與法律-程式碼之治,臺北:元照。
