  • 學位論文


A Study on Leadership of the Street-Level Police Chief in Taipei City

指導教授 : 彭錦鵬


警察組織中最基層的執行機構是派出所,警察任務與業務都須經由派出所落實具體執行。派出所所長是警察組織的基層主管,主要工作職務為直接指導監督並帶班執行警察工作,維持派出所員警工作效力,並按時完成工作目標。派出所所長是警察體系中,頗為微妙且富有影響力的角色,並肩負轄區第一線維護治安與為民服務的工作。本研究針對臺北市基層警察主管領導作質性研究,採用質化訪談的方式,以「轄區特性、領導型態、勤務績效、風紀防處、溝通協調、危機處理、所務管理」等七個面向,進行深度訪談,探討分析結果如次。 一、轄區特性:臺北市為中央政府所在地,工商發達特種營業林立,重要機關與金融機構眾多,特種警衛勤務與聚眾活動頻繁,臺北市警察臨時勤務多,工作壓力大。 二、領導型態:所長對風紀與績效採權威式領導,福利休宿則採彈性方式,即權威與民主併行領導,或恩威併施,視狀況以不同方式領導同仁。 三、勤務績效:勤務規劃落實執行,以有效執行警察業務,透過優秀同仁的經驗分享,適才適所發揮所長,激勵同仁士氣,提昇各項勤務績效要求。 四、風紀防處:警察風紀影響警譽,幹部應切實以身作則,優先管控違法違紀情事,淘汰不適任員警,慎選專案人員,有效防止風紀案件之發生。 五、溝通協調:與民代溝通互動,應以溫和立場依法執行;與媒體保持良好的溝通聯繫,妥適新聞處理,避免媒體不當之報導。 六、危機處理:第一時間的危機管理與處理,將傷害降到最低,並落實通報管制機制。 七、所務管理:派出所過多的業務與績效評比,員警素質不一且勞逸不均,警力及專業人才不足,民代服務選民造成員警執行困擾,重大刑案偵破壓力,辦公費及硬體設備不足,無法兼顧家庭等,亦是所長困境,尤以績效掛帥,影響了正常勤務的執行。


領導 警察 派出所 危機處理 臺北市


The police substation is the basic level unit of police organization. Majority of the police services are carried out by the substation. The police substation chief, leading about 5 to 30 policemen, is the basic level leader of police organization. His job is to give order, supervise and lead subordinates to carry out police work, maintain work effectiveness of the substation and accomplish variety missions on time. The role of police substation chief is a very delicate and influential one in the police system and is instrumental in maintaining social safety and giving service directly for the multitude. This research, by using interview method, focuses on the leadership of the street-level police chief in Taipei city with emphasis on the following seven aspects: district characteristics, mode of leadership styles, service effectiveness, disciplinary issues, communication and coordination, crisis management, and administrative management of the substation. What follows is the analyzed result: 1. District characteristic: The Central Government is in Taipei city. There are many highly-developed business and industry, illegal industry, important organizations, financial institutions. The policemen in Taipei have many temporary services such as frequent special security service and demonstration activities so that they have a lot of pressure. 2. Mode of leadership styles: the station chief adopts the authority leadership in discipline and service effectiveness, and a flexible type, namely combine the authority with democracy or combine kindness with stick, in the welfare. The station chief leads colleague in different way according to the different condition. 3. Service effectiveness: the service programming can carry out completely, and then the work of police can carry out effectively. Through sharing the experience of the well-performed colleague, making the proper officer to meet the case, and encouraging the colleague morale, can promote service effectiveness. 4. Disciplinary issues: the discipline of the police influences the reputation of the police. Supervisors should set oneself up as an example authentically, have the initiative to management and control illegal and discipline affairs, eliminate an ineligible policeman, choose project personnel carefully, and prevent the occurrence of the discipline issues effectively. 5. Communicate and coordinate: about communicate interaction with elected representatives, the station chief should carry out by law with well-communicating in a proper manner. The chief should keep good contact with media, handle the news appropriately, and avoid media to report incorrect coverage. 6. Crisis management: the crisis management and processing in the first moment could decline the injury to least. It has to carry out the crisis notification and crisis control mechanism authentically. 7. Administrative management: excessive business and service effectiveness evaluation of the police substation, unequal quality of policeman and unequal allocation of work, insufficient police strength and professional staff, the services of elected representatives perplex the police difficult to enforce the law, the pressure of serious criminal case dealing, the shortage of administrative expenses and the hardware equipment, and the police’s family that is disregarded etc., are predicaments of the station chief. Particularly, the competitions of service effectiveness is so important that effects normal assignment of the police.


李美華等(譯),Earl Babbie 著,1998。社會科學研究方法(The Practice of Social Research),臺北:時英出版社。
