  • 學位論文


Reconstruction of Xinzhuang Historic Street and Citizen Participation:Case study of the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team

指導教授 : 吳舜文


新莊老街是臺灣廟宇密集度最高的廟街,亦為淡水河最早開發的地區之一。然而,隨著2014年捷運新莊線的通車,緊鄰捷運站的新莊老街,受限於老舊街區內部的道路拓寬、停車空間缺乏,以及歷史價值房舍與街區景觀面臨都更與拆遷危機等問題,使得老街往日的榮景不復存在。後由於日治時期的代表性建築武德殿的拆遷計畫,促使當地有志之士集結,在新莊社區大學之下成立「新莊故事遊藝隊」,希望藉由走讀活動鼓勵居民說出在地的故事,喚醒民眾的社區意識進而關心公共議題,提升公民參與的層次。本研究之目的即在分析新莊故事遊藝隊在新莊老街再造過程中面臨的成效與困境,同時了解政府、新莊社區大學以及新莊故事遊藝隊三者間的互動關係。 本研究之研究方法為文獻分析法、半結構式訪談法、焦點團體訪談法和參與觀察法。筆者在研究過程中實際參與走讀活動,以旁觀者的角色去觀察運作模式,以及觀察在地居民給予的回應。套用社區治理的概念進行分析和理解新莊故事遊藝隊與政府、非營利組織的互動模式,並針對社區大學、新莊故事遊藝隊的老師、學員、新北市教育局和文化局進行訪問,了解該組織在參與新莊老街再造過程中運作至今的實際成效,以及遭遇的困境。 研究結果顯示出故事遊藝隊之於老街再造的成效為提供學校專業的導覽行程、都更停擺和建立當地民眾與老街之間的連結性,促使民眾能夠自發性參與社區事務帶動當地的發展。而故事遊藝隊成立之初除了資源上的不足,在開課過程中沒有遇到太大的困難。運作過程則是學員流動率高,對第一次接觸導覽活動的學員來說,解說技巧是個很大的挑戰。故事遊藝隊與政府之間的互動可以分為每兩年的評鑑會議和補助的提供,以及參與政府會議主動發言。跟社區大學之間的互動多為合作的模式,社區大學主辦活動時都會邀請故事遊藝隊以及新莊老街其他的社區組織一同參與,分享在地的故事與想法。 基於上述的發現,除了回應社區治理理論之外,將針對與理論一致與不一致的地方探究其原因。對於新北市政府、新莊社區大學和新莊故事遊藝隊三者之間的互動模式分別給予改善建議,同時將新莊故事遊藝隊運作方式包括導覽的彈性程度和民眾對於老街的觀察與意見回饋,為新莊老街再造帶來的成效提供給其他老街做參考。


Xinzhuang Historic Street has the most densely populated temples in Taiwan and it is one of the earliest developed areas among Tamsui River. With the operation of the MRT Xinzhuang Line in 2014, the historic glory of the street no longer exists. Xinzhuang Historic Streets, although near by the MRT station, was contrained by the road widening policy, lack of parking space, and faced the fear of historical buildings and street scenes demolition. Later on, with the urbanization plan of Wudedian, a representative building constructed during the Japanese occupation period, evoked local residents’ awareness. They assembled the “Xinzhuang Story RecreationTeam” in theXinzhuang Community College, hoping to raise community awareness about public affairs and citizen participation. The goal of this research is to analyze the effectiveness brought by the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team and dilemma it faces in the reconstruction of Xinzhuang Historic Street, and to understand interaction among the government, the Xinzhuang Community College and the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team. Literature analysis, semi-structured interview, focus group interview and participation observation are the research methods applied in this article. The author participated in walk-in and reading activities during the research process to observe the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team operations and locals’ responses. Analyzing and understanding the interaction model of the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team, government and non-profit organization bases on the concept of community governance, interviewing the community college, the teacher and students of the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team and New Taipei City Education Bureau to understand actual results of the organization's operation and the difficulties in the process of participating in the reconstruction of Xinzhuang Historic Street. The result of the study shows that the effectiveness brought by the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team in the reconstruction of the Xinzhuang Historic Street is to establish the connection between the locals and Xinzhuang Historic Street, to stop urbanization and to provide professional school tours. At the beginning when the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team was established, aside lacking resources, it did not encounter too many difficulties. During the operational process, the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team was not able to fully control participants, and their tour guide skills were also a big challenge for first time tour guide. The interaction between the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team and the government include: the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team attending evaluation meetings, applying grants every two years, being active in government meetings. The interaction of the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team and the Xinzhuang Community College is mostly in a cooperative mode. When hosting events, the Xinzhuang Community College invites the Story Recreation Team and other community organizations in the Xinzhuang Historic Street to participate together to share local stories and ideas. Based on the findings above, aside from responding to the theories of community governance, the reasons for consistencies and inconsistencies with the theories are explored. This article also offers suggestions on how to improve the interaction model among New Taipei City Government, the Xinzhuang Community College and the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team, and provids references for other historic streets on how the Xinzhuang Story Recreation Team operates and how it reconstructs Xinzhuang Historic Street.


