  • 學位論文


A Study of Legal Regulation on the Supervision and Governance of Private Schools in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳顯武


過去數十年裡,私立學校擔綱台灣推動全民高等教育政策下的最主要推手之一,根據教育部2009年大專院校統計資料全國共計175所,其中私立學校即佔110所,比例高達63%。然而,近年來,主因國內少子化趨勢,私立學校招生缺口的情況年趨嚴重,預估至2021年將達7萬缺額以上,此情況勢必導致國內眾多私立學校招生不足的困境,也同時惡化教育資源的運用,甚至媒體預估:未來12年裡,恐有60所國內私立大學即將倒閉。為因應此一環境情勢的轉變,強化現行的監督制度與改善營運,將會是私立學校得以永續存活並持續貢獻教育影響力的重大挑戰。 本研究旨在引用企業立法之權力分立法理,企圖建置私校監理法制,期能達到提供興利(興學)和除弊(健全)之雙重效果,俾為台灣私立學校長期發展提供具參考價值的一己之見。文中首先整理台灣私立學校經營概況,包括相比世界其他主要國家私立學校對國民教育之重要性、常見的經營模式與營運不善之癥結問題。其次則採取憲法角度,暸解私立學校之法律定位、教育行政監督、以及監督法制之架構,作為監督健全性分析以及規劃營運改善的依據。 最後,針對今日社會私立學校已然成形的亂象,本文進行台灣現行私立學校法等法制對私立學校監督制度共八項健全性分析:學校法人和私立學校受監督之類型、董事會和營運之監督、監察人和公益監察人之監督、行政主管機關之監督、法院之監督、立法之監督、財務內部稽核控制與會計制度之監督、以及評鑑制度,並發現其法制確有弊漏後,進而參考國外私校教育法與企業治理和相關監督法規,發展出三項具體建議辦法,分別為參考企業治理之營運制度、監督立法例、以及增設重整制度。本研究結果期能提供執政者和私立學校作為規劃具體可行的長期發展之依據,並希望能改善台灣私校亂象和提升教育水準。


Over the past few decades, private school is one of the most important driving force to promote the policy of nation-wide higher education in Taiwan; And according to the Ministry of Education Statistics 2009, of a total 175 universities in Taiwan, 110 are private-owned schools, which represents a ratio as high as 63%. However, in recent years, mainly due to low birth rate trend in Taiwan, the enrollment of private school has been decreasing seriously and hence the vacancy gap is estimated to reach 70 thousands by 2021. In addition, this phenomenon will inevitably lead to a plight of fewer enrollments of many private schools and deterioration of educational resources, and even the media forecast: there will be 60 private schools fearing of imminent collapse in the next 12 years. And in response to the contractual change in Taiwan educational environment, strengthening the existing regulation system and improving the operation become a critical challenge for private schools to sustainably survive and continue the influence on higher education. Through reference to the jurisprudence of power separation on business legislation, this study is attempt to develop a set of rules on private school regulation and therefore hope to provide a valuable own opinion to serve the long-term development of Taiwan’s private schools. To achieve our research goals, we first explore the operational states of the private schools, including the educational comparison with world's other major countries, the common business models of domestic private schools, and the root cause of the conventional operation problems. Secondly, we take the perspective of Taiwan Constitution to understand the legal framework of private schools, the education administration supervision, and regulation structure of the legal system, as the basement for the further supervising soundness analysis and operational improvement planning. Finally, for the existing social disorder caused by private schools in Taiwan, we then execute the soundness analysis for the current legal regulation system of private schools on 8 issues, which includes the regulation type of educational juridical person and private schools, the supervision of the Board and the operation, the supervision of the supervisor and the public supervisor, the supervision of the administrative official authorities, the supervision of the Judicial system, the supervision of legislation, the supervision of financial internal control and accounting compliance, and the evaluation system. And after finding the defects in above issues, we further refer to the foreign private school laws and the related regulation rules of corporate governance, and then developing 3 specific improving practices: referring to the business operation system regulated by corporate governance, legislating on supervision cases, and setting the reorganization system. In conclusion, the results of this study are mainly for providing those in power and private schools a specific basis to plan their viable long-term educational development in Taiwan.


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