  • 學位論文

Facebook品牌粉絲專頁體驗之社群認同與口碑研究 ---以促銷為干擾變數

Do Community Experience and Identification Affect Information Sharing Intention on Facebook Fan Pages? Sales Promotion as a Moderator

指導教授 : 黃恆獎
共同指導教授 : 王仕茹


Facebook fan page is emerging as an important platform for brands to build closer relationship with both their existing customers and their potential new customers, primarily due to the increased popularity of smartphone and social media usage. To understand more about how the contents generated by both brands and the users influence users’ online community experience and information sharing intention in social media sites, we conducted an empirical study on brands’ Facebook fan pages to investigate how two sources of community experience (i.e., brand-generated experience and peer-generated experience) affect user’s community identification and subsequently the intention of sharing brand information, considering sales promotion as a moderator. The results indicate that both brand-generated experience and peer-generated experience positively influence peer identification in the community while only brand-generated experience positively contribute to consumer-brand identification. Also, both the consumer-brand identification and peer identification in the community positively influence the information sharing intention on Facebook fan pages. These effects are found to be moderated by sales promotion provided on Facebook fan pages. Our findings not only help researchers interpret how online community experience affect consumers’ community identification but also assist practitioners in developing better social media strategies


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