  • 學位論文


A Study of 3D Image Industry and Its Outlook from A Technological Perspective

指導教授 : 莊裕澤


3D影像與顯示並非是單一產業,而是一個跨技術整合的產業,其中主要技術為顯示,內容與影像處理,及互動技術。 顯示技術部分,眼鏡式3D已臻成熟,要改良的部分應較易解決。但裸視3D經多年的研發,雖已有產品,但使用者仍少,主要是該產品對消費者仍感不便,本文將提出下一步較可被市場接受的方案,也預測未來技術之導向。 內容與影像處理部分,2D轉3D及2 視域轉多視域的技術已有眾多發表,但效果有所差異,最後終將植入ASIC中,達成即時轉換的需求。 而專業3D內容拍攝設備似乎尚未普及,造成原2D攝影師轉換3D的障礙,為降低此障礙,本文談及如何提供一個容易拍攝或製作的工具,也是未來內容技術發展。 而技術的演進,帶給人們新的使用者經驗,因此對人機互動介面的需求也有許多新的變化,本文從深度攝影機技術來看最近發展的互動應用,很多非接觸式互動已漸漸被使用,未來還有的新的應用及帶來更多新的使用者經驗。 從技術研發過程,轉換到應用市場,消費者接受的必定是基於便利性,可負擔,舒適的產品,若如法滿足這些消費者需求,也代表技術端,尚有待改進,本文希望藉由對3D技術的盤點,看出未來技術可發展的方向,進而讓3D影像與顯示產品盡快於市場上普及。


3D影像 3D顯示 3D內容 互動技術 2D 轉3D


3D image and dsipaly belong to industrial combination and integration, but not just a single industrial. Its major technologies cover 3D display, 3D content, Image processing and interaction. For 3D display part, the technologies of glasses type 3D display become mature gradually. Only few insuffecient features need to be solved to become commercialized. But for naked eye 3D display type, it still have big gap for commercialization. Therefore, we would like to propose possible solutions and technical trend for further delevlopment on this field. For 3D content production and image processing, the conversion technologies of 2D to 3D and 2 views to multi-view have been published popularly. However, the conversion quality depends heavily on their algrorithms. The final goal for these conversions is to build in ASIC for approaching real time conversion. As for 3D content production, stereo cemara equipments and tools for professional uses are not popular yet. This causes original 2D photographer to have high phycological barrier to learn 3D camera equipments. To solve that, future 3D content production tools for easy operation are introduced. As the technology evolves, it will bring more new user experiences to people. At the same time, people will expect more new user interface functions to add on it. The development of new depth camera technologies has delivered many new interaction applications, especially on non-physical touch. The possible future interaction technologies and applications are also addressed. Any product, from R & D to applications market, should face user’s crucial challenges for convient, confort and affordable requests. If the requests cannot fit, it means technologies need more improvements. The thesis has screened on currents 3D image technologies and proposed possible solutions and trend for accelerating market time for 3D products. The final goal is to help make 3D products popular in the near future.


3D image 3D display 3D content interaction 2D to 3D


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