  • 學位論文


Judicial Review in the Restriction of Public Employee Freedom of Speech

指導教授 : 許宗力




Since the theory of “besondere Gewaltverhältnis” has been abandoned, it cannot be based on “besondere Gewaltverhältnis” to limit public employee freedom of speech arbitrarily. On the theoretical issue, that is, how to define the scope and the boundaries of public employee freedom of speech. After referring to the American and Japanese court judgments and theories, with respect to the types of state restrictions on public employee freedom of speech, this thesis divides them into “legal restriction” and “legal application to specific cases”. The former is that the legislator restricts public employee speech by means of law; the letter is that the administration applies law to specific cases. With regard to “legal restriction”, this thesis argues that “the Principle of Proportionality” and “the Principle of Legal Certainty” are the legislator’s constitutional obligations. The former requires the legislator to clarify the duties of public employee in the constitution, and to distinguish different positions, and contents of speech, and the time, place, manner of expression. The legislator cannot restrict public employee speech broadly. The letter requires that the meaning of law shall be specified so that public employee can understand it correctly. With regard to “legal application to specific cases”, because illegal acts of public employee are complicated, so the legislator should not regulate them in detail. Therefore, the regulation by “Uncertain Legal Concepts” is not unconstitutional. However, the judiciary cannot interpret it arbitrarily. Instead, the judiciary shall interpret law in light of constitution and review administrarive acts. This thesis argues that the issue is the conflict of constitutional principles between “the freedom of speech” and “the duties of public employee”. When the judiciary balances interests, firstly, the judiciary shall clarify “the duties of public employee”, and examine whether the speech is is incompatible with public employee position; secondly, with regard to the “freedom of speech”, the judiciary shall examine “the time, place, and manner of speech” and “the content of speech”; finally, the judiciary shall balance two interests, and determine whether the speech is guaranteed.


