  • 學位論文


Real-time Multi-Aircraft Weapon Target Assignment Missions in an Air Combat

指導教授 : 孔令傑
共同指導教授 : 陳建錦(Chien-Chin Chen)


使用多種武器針對來襲的各個敵方武器進行抵禦和交戰的問題被稱為武器目標分配問題,這類問題自從 1958 年至今已行之有年。本篇研究探討當我軍數架戰鬥機執行空戰任務並遭遇敵軍數架戰機時,應如何分配各機武器以最大化達成任務目標的成功率。在空戰時,各架戰鬥機上擁有多種攻擊性與防禦性武器以影響射出的飛彈的致死率,而戰鬥機在高速環境下位置也快速地改變,因此,解決這類問題的演算法必須即時地求出最佳的武器資源分配方法。研究中提出兩種不同的任務,分別是「攻擊」與「閃躲」,其中前者的目標是最大化敵方損傷,後者則是考慮敵方可能的攻擊行為預先攻擊以最小化敵方對我方的損害。本研究基於粒子群最佳化(Particle Swarm Optimization)建構演算法,並進行多項數值實驗,顯示本篇提出的演算法優於過去研究提出的演算法,並可在極短時間內得出結果。最後,在閃躲任務中也嘗試分析錯估敵方攻擊策略的損失以探討此類目標式的優缺點。


The weapon target assignment (WTA) problem, which assigns multiple weapons to multiple targets, has been studied for decades. In this study, we consider a WTA problem among fighter aircrafts. Each aircraft has multiple types of offensive and defensive weapons. When determining how to coordinate our aircrafts and use their weapons, there can be two types of missions, “attack” and “dodge”, where the former maximizes the enemy’s damage and the latter minimizes our damage. We modify Particle Swarm Optimization to propose one new algorithm to solve this problem in real time. Through numerical experiments, we show that our proposed algorithm is better than existing ones.


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4. Bogdanowicz, Z. R., A. Tolano, K. Patel, N. P. Coleman. 2012. Optimization of weapon–target pairings based on kill probabilities. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 43(6) 1835–1844.
