  • 學位論文


A Study on Trend of Knowledge Integration in Digital Humanities

指導教授 : 唐牧群


由於資訊科技持續發展,電腦運算能力以及網路技術的成長對許多原有的學科產生相當影響,在資訊科技、人文學科、社會科學等學科之間產生了新興學科-數位人文,數位人文興起至今約30年左右,且其研究範圍以及關注內容在其成長期間持續變動,然而針對數位人文進行的知識整合研究數量卻非常少,因此對數位人文學科進行知識整合研究有其必要性。 本研究以跨學科作為研究知識整合的手段,採書目計量方式,以多樣性、凝聚性以及中心性作為主要指標,收錄1987至2014年12月的期刊、會議以及專書論文,於Scopus引文索引資料庫以及數位人文研究聯盟旗下期刊收錄到共2112篇文章,並以統計方法以及社會網絡分析方法,從包含學科的數目、研究內容的分佈、學科合作知識網絡以及實際合作人際網絡等不同角度觀察數位人文學科的跨學科變化趨勢與現況。 研究結果顯示:(一)數位人文包含領域以電腦科學、社會科學以及人文與藝術為主,但仍涵蓋許多其他學科;(二)研究主題分佈有漸趨集中的趨勢,但目前仍屬分散;(三)從知識網絡觀察得知,數位人文研究有共同的學科認同,不過由於人文學科涵蓋範圍廣泛,數位人文中之次領域內雖然合作知識交流頻繁,但次領域間知識交流極少;(四)從合著網絡得知,數位人文研究的跨地區以及跨次領域合作較少;(五)數位人文的多樣性偏高,凝聚性則有逐漸提升的趨勢。(六)數位人文知識網絡中各地區與各次領域皆有重要作者,無集中於特定地區或次領域的現象。


“Digital Humanity” is an emerging cross-discipline between computer science, social science, art and humanities. As a young discipline, the range and the research topic of digital humanity has been evolving for the last 30 years, but there hasn’t been many researches of the knowledge integration in digital humanities. In order to learn more about the trend of digital humanity, a bibliometric research was conducted using social analytical measures such as “diversity”, “cohesion” and “centrality” as main indicators of knowledge integration among different specialties in digital humanity. This research collected 2112 scholarly papers from journals, conference proceedings, and book as the target literatures of digital humanity. The result shows that: 1) Digital humanity is mainly comprised of computer science, social science, art and humanity, but there are other 20 disciplines included in the digital humanities. 2) The research topic of digital humanity is getting gradually consolidated since its early days, but it is still evenly distributed. 3) The knowledge network shows that the researches in digital humanity sharing a common outlook of the discipline, but humanity has a very broad range, which makes the knowledge sharing between the sub-disciplines in the digital humanity appears infrequently, relative to knowledge sharing inside the sub-disciplines appears frequently. 4) The co-author network shows that there are less collaboration between different sub-disciplines and countries. 5) The diversity of digital humanity remains high, and the coherence of digital humanity is gradually increasing through, remain largely fragmented compared to other fields. 6) In the knowledge network of digital humanity, there are important (which has high betweenness centrality) authors and publish sources in each country or sub-discipline, that played important role of holding the network together.


Aguillo, I. F. (2012). Is Google Scholar useful for bibliometrics? A webometric analysis. Scientometrics, 91(2), 343-351.
