  • 學位論文

台灣中小企業科技型公司製造服務化之個案研究 —以異奇科技為例

Research on the growth of Taiwan SME technology companies manufacturing service — Egismos Technology Corporation Case Study

指導教授 : 陳家聲


本研究主題是探討科技型的中小企業在成長及轉型的過程中所遇到的問題及解決的方法。企業追求成長勢必要離開舒適圈並有所改變,這時候依據成長的規模幅度,客戶性質的改變,需要調整營運方向並設定下一階段目標。本研究藉由麥肯錫的 7S分析,仔細盤查企業的結構(Structure)、制度(Systems)、風格(Style)、員工(Staff)、技能(Skills)、戰略(Strategy)及共同價值觀(Shared Valueds),對組織做最適當的調整及擴增,各部門以此進行核心競爭力的調整,延伸技術、產品,擴張客戶、市場,提高產能、品質,優化流程及財務管理。更重要的是建立員工對新營運策略的共識,並經由教育訓練提升必要的素質,激發自主的策動力,讓組織變革能落實並運作起來,強化企業的競爭優勢,達成新業務範疇,提升公司營收及獲利的目標。本研究以台灣的異奇科技及其工廠為研究對象,探討異奇由網路行銷公司走向以製造服務經營客戶發展所發生的變化、遇到的問題及作法。經由分析異奇的沿革及引入新經營團隊致力於新綜效-製造服務,所做的變革,來探索企業如何應用適當的策略,搭配務實的營運,將研發、業務及生產作完善的整合,建立新的核心競爭力,具備企業的長期競爭優勢。完成對異奇規模發展個案的分析後,本研究發現: 1). 企業發展的組織變革與新核心能力取得的必然。2). 新經營團隊重新整合的成功關鍵因素,包括新進入者融入組織的方式,企業的成功就是贏在找對人做對事及建立製造服務化改變異奇價值鏈,取得客戶滿意的增值等。3). 戰略目標確立與組織文化對企業戰力的影響,關聯固本求新,運營效率,價值獲利及獲利控管等作法。4). 組織學習引領員工與企業成長的契機,包含四個主要的元素:知識獲得、資訊分享、資訊解讀及組織記憶(organizational memory),影響到以後知識管理(KM)的規劃。本研究同時從異奇規模成長的經驗中整理出關鍵成功因素,及應用這些經驗時必須注意的條件,對其中的內隱因素及外顯因素做了忠實地整理,希望對台灣的中小企業科技型公司進行規模化成長或轉型時能有幫助。


The theme of this research is to explore the problems encountered by SMEs in the process of growth and transformation and the solutions they have solved。Enterprises must pursue their growth and leave the comfort zone and change。At this time,depending on the scale of growth and the change in customer nature,it is necessary to adjust the operation direction and set the next stage。This study uses McKinsey's 7S analysis to carefully examine the company's structure、systems、style、staff、skills、strategies、and shared values。 By making the most appropriate adjustments and expansions to the organization, each department will adjust its core competitiveness,extend technology and products,expand customers and markets, improve production capacity,quality, and optimize processes and financial management。 More importantly,it is to establish a consensus among employees on the new business strategy,and to enhance the necessary quality through education and training,to stimulate independent motivation,to enable organizational change to be implemented and operated,to strengthen the competitive advantage of the company,to achieve new business scope,and to enhance the company revenue and profitability goals。This research takes Taiwan's EGiSMOS Technology and its factories as the research object,and discusses the changes,problems and practices that have occurred from the network marketing company to the manufacturing service of operating customers。 Through the analysis of the changes and the changes made by the new management team after the capital increase,we will explore how to apply appropriate strategies and pragmatic operations,integrate R&D、business and production, and establish new core competitiveness。The long-term competitive advantage of the company。 After completing the analysis of the case of the development of the odd-size scale,the study found that: 1). The organizational transformation of enterprise development and the inevitability of new core capabilities。 2). The key factors for the success of the re-integration of the company after the fundraising, including the way to integrate into the organization and the successful enterprise is to win the right to find the right person to do the right thing。 3). The establishment of strategic objectives and the impact of organizational culture on the competitiveness of enterprises,related to innovation,operational efficiency,value gain and profit control。 4). Organizational learning leads the opportunity for employee and business growth。 It includes four main elements: knowledge acquisition, information sharing,information interpretation and organizational memory,which affects the future knowledge management (KM) planning。 At the same time,this study sorts out the key success factors from the experience of the growth of Qiqi scale,and the conditions that must be paid attention to when applying these experiences。 I hope that it will be helpful for the scale growth of other small and medium-sized technology companies in Taiwan。


7S analysis scale growth change core competitiveness


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