  • 學位論文


The Differences and Influences of Scholarly Communication Speed by First-citation of Journal Articles: A Case Study of IS&LS

指導教授 : 林雯瑤


本研究從期刊論文初次被引用的角度探討圖書資訊學領域期刊的學術傳播速度,並分別從初次被引用速度分布、期刊評鑑指標、初次被自我引用以及出版機制等四個面向分析。 本研究利用引用文獻分析法,並以「月」為最小分析單位,計算期刊論文自正式出版至初次被引用的時間,以及計算各期刊已被引用文章與所有文章平均初次被引用速度。本研究以JCR 之30種資訊科學與圖書館學(IS&LS)領域學術期刊為研究對象,並以Scopus 資料庫為資料蒐集來源,蒐集30種期刊2005年至2014年出版之研究論文與綜論,而初次可被引用時間設定在2005年至2015年,最後分析12,722篇研究論文以及1,069篇綜論。 研究結果顯示,13,791篇原始文獻,已被引用者為12,271篇(88.98%)文章,未被引用則有1,520篇(11.02%)文章。在初次被引用速度分布方面,以Information Systems Journal 平均初次被引用速度較快,Library and Information Science 較慢。從文章層級來看,所有文章平均初次被引用速度為16.88個月,已被引用文章平均初次被引用速度為12.96個月,其中有11,113篇(90.56%)文章初次被引用速度大於0個月,744篇(6.06%)文章等於0個月,414篇(3.37%)文章小於0個月;從出版月份來看,以11月出版之文章初次被引用速度最快。在期刊評鑑指標方面,期刊初次被引用速度與II、IF、五年IF及SJR 皆呈顯著負相關,表示期刊評鑑指標數值越大,初次被引用速度可能越快。而初次被自我引用方面,期刊初次被引用速度與期刊的初次被自我引用率呈中度負相關,即初次被期刊自我引用率越高,期刊初次被引用速度可能越快;初次被作者自我引用文章的平均初次被引用速度領先初次未被作者自我引用的文章,且達統計的顯著水準。最後出版機制方面,本研究發現OA 機制,以複合式OA 期刊初次被引用速度較快,若從文章層級分析,整體為非OA 文章初次被引用速度領先OA 文章,深入探討複合式OA 期刊,發現OA 文章的初次被引用速度較快;而提供電子預印本的期刊初次被引用速度明顯較一般出版模式的期刊快,由此可知,電子預印本機制能夠加快學術傳播速度。 根據上述研究結果提出以下建議:引用尚未正式出版文章應於參考文獻上著錄電子預印本相關標示、複合式OA 期刊鼓勵作者以OA 文章方式出版。


This study mainly explores scholarly communication speed of journal articles within Library and Information Science based on the first-citation, defined as the time between publication and first-citation. The study focuses on 30 scholarly journals which are indexed in the category of Information Science & Library Science (IS&LS) in the Journal Citation Report and uses citation analysis to calculate journal articles first-citation speed and journals averaged first-citation speed. 12,722 research articles and 1,069 review articles published between 2005 and 2014 were collected by Scopus, and the first citable time was set from 2005 to 2015. Results show that there are 12,271 (88.98%) articles cited and 1,520 (11.02%) articles uncited. Other detail results of this study are following: (1) For journal averaged first-citation speed, Information Systems Journal is the fastest, and Library and Information Science is the slowest. For entire articles, the average first-citation speed is about 16.88 months within; for citing articles, it is 12.96 months. The first-citation speed of articles published in November are the fastest. (2) Journals first-citation speed are negative correlated with journal indicators. That is to say, the higher the journal indicators, the faster the journal first-citation speed. (3) For the first self-citation, first-citation speed is in a moderate degree negatively correlated with percentages of the first journal self-citation. It shows that the higher percentages of the first journal self-citation, the faster the journal first-citation speed. Articles self-cited by the same author(s) in first-citation are more rapid than others without self-cited. It also observes that first author self-citation and first citation speed reach a statistically significant level. (4) In terms of publication patterns, the first-citation speed of hybrid OA journals are more rapid than the other publications. For articles, OA articles are slower than non-OA article; however, considering hybrid OA journals, OA articles are faster than non-OA articles. The in-press journals are significantly faster; it can be seen that journals with in-press pattern accelerate scholarly communication speed. There are some suggestions based on the study as follows: (1) When citing unpublished articles, authors should note “in press” or related terms in the reference. (2) The hybrid OA journal publishers should encourage authors to publish OA articles.


陳淑貞(2011)。圖書資訊學領域Open Access期刊分析研究(未出版之碩士論文)。國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學研究所,臺北市。
