  • 學位論文


A Study of The Performance For The Horizontal Shading Devices within 30° Inclined on 48 Vertical Orientations in Taiwan

指導教授 : 周家鵬


研究內容以北緯22°~25°台灣地區48方位主要城市太陽直達輻射能量及建築物開口部加設水平外遮陽傾斜30°角遮陽設施模擬遮蔽輻射能量為分析基礎,評估各城市48方位太陽直達輻射熱與水平外遮陽傾斜30°角遮陽板對於建築物室內遮蔽效益。提出台灣主要城市48方位各時期最大值太陽直達輻射能量及最佳遮蔽輻射能量之關係,藉以提出淨太陽直達輻射能量及淨遮蔽輻射能量。依太陽直達輻射能量理論值探討與台灣相同緯度的北半球,提供未來設計者相關的參考數據。 各章節內容概述: 第一章 說明本研究動機、確立研究方向與目的、研究內容、研 究限制與假設、研究流程、範圍及文獻回顧。 第二章 針對台灣主要城市氣象資料月平均氣溫及月平均日照率進 行整理與分析,依各城市月平均氣溫判定溫熱期及冷涼期 作後續章節分析定義。針對本研究對象水平外遮陽傾斜30° 角遮陽設施檢視其條件。 第三章 依48方位各時期及逐月探討城市太陽直達輻射能量—以淡 水地區為例(其他十二城市請參閱附錄),提出城市48方 位太陽直達輻射能量之關係並建立數據。 第四章 針對城市48方位建築開口部加設水平外遮陽傾斜30°角遮 陽板,模擬城市各時期及逐月太陽直達輻射能量—以淡水 地區為例(其他十二城市請參閱附錄),提出城市48方位 最佳遮蔽輻射能量並建立數據。 第五章 依城市48方位太陽直達輻射能量及遮蔽輻射能量—以淡水 地區為例(其他十二城市請參閱附錄),針對各時期分別 探討提出城市48方位最佳遮蔽率。 第六章 進行台灣各城市各時期48方位太陽直達輻射能量及遮蔽輻 射能量依逐月分析探討,藉以提出各城市淨太陽直達輻射 能量及淨遮蔽輻射能量之關係。再依各緯度太陽直達輻射 能量理論值進行探討。 第七章 針對本研究結果做整理說明,提出各城市48方位各時期最 大太陽直達輻射能量、最佳方位遮蔽輻射能量、淨太陽直 達輻射能量、淨遮蔽輻射能量值及各城市48方位遮蔽率之 結果,供台灣地區建築物開口部設置水平外遮陽傾斜30°角 時之參考。


This research, based on a study of direct solar radiation and 30° inclined horizontal shading devices used in architectural solar radiation shelters in Taiwan’s major cities on a northern latitude of 22N-25N through 48 vertical orientations, assesses the effect of direct solar radiation and 30° inclined horizontal shading devices in the performance of interior shading coefficients for architecture in these cities, with the aim of discovering a correlation between most direct solar radiation and best horizontal shading devices in Taiwan’s major cities. This research proposes that various cities’ solar rays are directly related to the radiating capacity only and camouflages radiating capacity. The solar emissions at various latitudes depend directly on the radiating capacity theoretical value again to carry on the discussion. The results of this study will provide energy conservation guidelines for different orientations to meet the needs of designer’s intension in the future. This study includes the following content: Chap1. The presentation of Discuss research motivation, subjects, objects, methodology, limitations, hypothesis and scope. Chap2. The analysis is arranged to the weather data in Taiwan area, above analysis according to various cities’ monthly mean temperature determination warming up period and cold cool seasonal cropping following chapter analysis definition. Needle The visor incline 30° angle visor facility inspects its condition to this object of study level outside. Chap3. To analyze the 48 Vertical Orientations and month the Direct Solar Radiation in Danshui(Other 12 cities please refer to the appendix),to proposed that the urban 48 facings sun goes directly to radiating Capacity it Relates and establishes the data. Chap4. To analyze the 48 Vertical Orientations and month the solar radiation shelter in Danshui(Other 12 cities please refer to the appendix), to proposed that the urban 48 position sun goes directly to radiating capacity it Relates and establishes the data. Chap5. To analyze the 48 Direct Solar Radiation and Solar Radiation Shelter in Danshui(Other 12 cities please refer to the appendix) the efficiency of combined models. Chap6. To analyze 48 Vertical Orientations the performance data of Direct Solar Radiation and Solar Radiation Shelter in the Taiwan. So as to proposed that various urban sun goes directly to the radiating capacity only and camouflages radiating capacity it only Relations. Depends on various latitudes sun to go directly to the radiating capacity theoretical value again to carry on the discussion Chap7. To make conclusions and the recommendation of study.


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