  • 學位論文


A study on the perception and opinions of junior high school teachers towards international education in New Taipei City.

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究是以問卷調查法為主,文獻探討為輔,旨在探討新北市國民中學教師對推動國際教育認知與看法之研究。本研究之主要目的包括: 一、分析新北市國民中學教師對新北市政府推動國際教育瞭解程度。 二、檢視新北市國民中學教師對國民中學推動國際教育的看法與瞭解情形。 三、剖析新北市國民中學教師推行國際教育所遇到的困境與因應策略。 四、根據研究發現提出建議,供相關單位未來政策改進之參考。 本研究之問卷調查是以自編之「新北市國民中學教師對推動國際教育認知與看法之研究」問卷為研究工具,以2014學年度新北市三鶯行政分區所有公立國民中學教師為研究對象,共發出727份問卷,回收有效問卷589份,回收率為 81.02%。 本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、教師大多能體認國際教育推動之重要性,但對相關政策之認知與瞭解卻略顯不足。 二、在對國中推動國際教育的認知方面,教師對「招募國際教育志工參與培訓」的瞭解程度最佳,但對研訂國際教育課程與教材等方面之瞭解明顯不足。 三、教師多認為學校推動國際教育策略不甚積極,且偏重於環境建構。 四、教師認為國中目前推動國際教育仍存在許多困難,其中以「國際文化學習課程,欠缺整合、系統探究與剖析」的問題最為嚴重。 五、許多教師對學校推動國際教育應採取之策略,認為最迫切的是宜「將活動融入於學生日常生活與課業學習」。 六、教師對國際教育的看法除在「性別」、「曾否參加過國際教育活動」,和「外語自評能力」變項上有顯著的差異外,在其他變項間之差異並不顯著。


Abstract: This study aims mainly, via adopting the methods of questionnaire survey and literature review, to explore the perception and opinions of junior high school teachers towards international education in New Taipei City. The main purposes of this study include: 1.To review the perception and understanding of junior high school teachers towards policies of international education in New Taipei City. 2.To explore the opinions and of junior high school teachers on various strategies of international education in New Taipei City 3.To analyze the problems faced by schools in relation to the promotion of international education and the corresponding strategies adopted.. 4.To propose useful suggestions, based on the findings of the study, for the reference of reform of future policies . A self-designed questionnaire was used as the tool of this study. By using stratified purposive sampling, San-Yin administrative district was chosen, and all 727 teachers in all public junior high schools (8 schools in total) in this district in 2015 academic year were surveyed. Finally, with a response rate of 81.02%, 589 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1.Most of the teachers are aware of the importance of international education but their perception and understanding about the content of policies were insufficient. 2. “The recruitment of volunteers to participate in international education training” is the strategy mostly widespread understood among the teachers, but teachers’ understanding about the design of curriculum and the content of textbooks related to international education in schools were extremely limited. 3.The attitude of schools towards the promotion of international education is not enthusiastically enough , and most schools put too much emphasis on the construction of the environment. according to the opinions of teachers. 4.There are many problems faced by schools, while promoting the international education, and “the lack of integration of curriculum or courses with the learning of international culture” is regarded as the most serious one by teachers. 5. “The inclusion of international education to the learning activities and daily life of students” is the most urgent strategy, with regard to the solution of existing problems, suggested by teachers.. 6.There are significant differences in the perception and opinion of international education among teachers with different gender, the previous experiences of involvement in international education activities, and their competence of foreign languages. variables.


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