  • 學位論文


Cultivating International Competence of Rural Junior High School Students through Curriculum Design with Blended Learning

指導教授 : 徐新逸


教育部在2011年編定的中小學國際教育白皮書將國家認同、國際素養、全球競合力及全球責任感列為國際教育四大目標,希望在中小學階段開始培育具國際觀的人才並透過教育的改變與教學的創新來平衡城鄉差距。因此教育部在 2015年頒佈中小學偏鄉教育創新發展方案,推動「實驗教育、教育創新」、「數位融入、虛實共學」、「資源媒合、社群互聯」、「看見改變、典範分享」四大面向。 研究者多年來在偏遠地區國中服務。為配合教育政策之推廣,本研究採用「數位融入、虛實共學」面向,運用混成學習模式,設計適合偏鄉國中國際素養的課程及評估該課程的學習成果。課程設計採用系統化教學設計模式。混成學習模式將以實體面授課程搭配課後非同步微課。微課是新的線上學習模式,特色為影片精簡,單一或幾個概念或重點說明,場景情境化。以議題融入主題式教學作為主要內容,以便學習者利用零星時間做課前或課後學習,與生活經驗結合。 研究對象研究者服務之偏遠地區國中八年級14位同學。課程設計皆與校內協同研究者討論並決定課程架構。採用全球公民素養量表進行課程實施前測及後測。並以協同教學觀察紀錄、教師教學日誌、與學生回饋作為質性分析,來評估學習成果。 研究結果顯示以微課的方式融入國際素養課程設計,學生的學習成果有顯著差異。


In 2011, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education released a white paper on international education for primary and secondary schools to cultivate better international competence for future generations. The white paper focuses on four global competencies: national identity, international awareness, global competitiveness and global responsibility through curriculum integration, international exchange and teacher professional development. For better student learning outcomes, the Ministry of Education also launched a rural education development project in 2015 through experimental, blended learning and social community alliances for primary and secondary school students in rural areas. With the goal of facilitating the implementation of international education and rural education development projects, the purpose of this study is to cultivate the international competence of rural junior high school students through curriculum design with blended learning. This study applies the ADDIE instructional system to develop a curriculum utilizing blended learning techniques for the aforementioned demographic of students and to evaluate their learning outcomes. The result shows this curriculum design benefits students’ international competence development.


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