  • 學位論文


A Study on the relationship between the implementation of Law-related Education learning community of elementary schools and civic literacy for the Junior High School Students in New Taipei City.

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究旨在探討新北市國民中學法治教育對公民素養影響,並分析兩者之間的關係,本研究係以新北市公私立國民中學國中生為研究之母群體。依據新北市教育局2014年公布的學校資料,總計發出 17所學校,問卷數量約 1500 份,問卷回收1473份,剔除362份無效問卷後,有效問卷計1111份,有效問卷回收率為74.1%。 本研究調查之結論簡略描述如下: 一、新北市國民中學法治教育實施屬於「中高程度」,其中在「法治教育態度」的程度最高。 二、不同性別於新北市國中法治教育實施各向度及整體,無顯著差異。 三、不同年級、家庭經濟狀況、家庭管教方式、擔任幹部經驗、學校類型、學校班級數與每日收看新聞時間於新北市國中法治教育實施各向度及整體成果,部分達顯著差異。 四、新北市國中生公民素養屬於「高程度」,其中在「公民素養知識」的程度最高。 五、不同性別、家庭管教方式、學校班級數對國中生公民素養各向度及整體認知,未達顯著差異。 六、不同年級、家庭經濟狀況、擔任幹部經驗、學校類型與每日收看新聞時間對新北市國中生公民素養各向度及整體,部分達顯著水準。 七、 新北市國民中學法治教育實施與國中生公民素養呈現正相關。 最後針對研究發現與結論,分別就教育主管機關、學校行政單位及後續研究參考事項提出建議,俾供參考。


This research was designed to probe into the inter-action between the implementation of the classes in law in junior high schools in New Taipei City and the impact on the development of students’ sense of citizenship. Furthermore, an analysis of the performances due to these two elements will be reached in the end. A total of 1,500 questionnaires were distributed to the students of seventeen junior high schools, both public and private, which were chosen from the list of schools announced by the Education Department, New Taipei City Government in 2014. And out of the 1,473 collected questionnaires, there are 1,111 valid ones to be examined and analyzed, excluding 362 invalid ones. The recovery of validation questionnaires is 74.1%. A concise conclusion from this investigation is as follows: First, the implementation of the classes in law in the junior high schools in New Taipei City is quite advanced, especially with the highest score on the attitude toward law. Second, toward the implementation of the classes in law, there are no significant differences found between the natural genders. Third, there can be found signifcant differences among grades, family finances, parenting styles, experiences of being staff in classes, types of schools, the sizes of schools, and their daily news input hours toward the implementation of the classes in law. Fourth, the junior high school students in New Taipei City have developed a high-level sense of citizenship, especially on the apect of knowledge. Fifth, the differences toward every aspect of the sense of citizenship among junior high school students due to their different natural genders, parenting styles, or the sizes of their schools did not show noticeable importance. Sixth, parts of the differences toward every aspect of the sense of citizenship among junior high school students due to their grades, family finances, experiences of being staff in classes, types of schools, and their daily news input hours are of great significance. Seventh, the inter-relationship between the classes in law in the junior high schools in New Taipei City and the development of the sense of the citizenship of the students shows positive correlation. Last but not least, a humble proposal, drawn from the findings and the conclusion of this study, which may be helpful to education authorities, administration of schools, and follow-up studies.


黃旭田 (2003)。台灣地區中小學法治教育之現況與展望。律師雜誌,281。


