  • 學位論文

日本流通業之研究 -以伊勢丹和丸井為中心-

The Studies of Japanese Distribution Indutries: The Case Study of Iseitann and Marui

指導教授 : 洪振義


最初由百貨公司、超級市場、便利商店、到家電量販店、藥妝店、暢貨中心等等﹐存在著各式各樣的業界種類。當中,近年來持續成長的專門連鎖店被稱之為專類霸權又或是品項殺手,,以低價格和豐富品項為武器持續躍進的是藥妝店、家電量販店、家具中心等等。對於業界全體而言,雖然說在泡沫經濟後因為景氣低迷而有著停滯許久的時期,但還是朝著改善財務體質以及強化經營基礎的方向前進。 掌握著日本經濟活性化鑰匙的產業接下來也成為身負著重大期待。 近年來,流通產業被業界再次重整的浪潮侵襲,受到消費低迷的逆風影響下有著漫長且嚴峻的環境。對於支撐日常生活不可或缺的產業來說,流通產業在現今持續的再生改變加上因為規制緩和而進入的海外大企業成為業界活性化的引爆劑,業界型態也朝著多樣化前進,而且誕生了大型超市以及小型超市等等新型態的店鋪。接下來會變得十分有趣,在顧客需求多樣化當中,只有在持續變化的業界中存在了無數的商機。 百貨同業的大規模合併,商店街的衰退,加上外資的進出等等,流通產業迎向了大規模的變革時期。 在現今用以往的經營手法是無法在激烈競爭中勝利存活下來,但還是有許多流通業無法從過去的成功體驗中覺醒,所以接下來只有知悉流通業勝利方程式的人才可以從這種狀況中破繭而出。


At first, there were a great variety of industries such as department stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, and shopping malls. Among them, the industry that continually grows is so called “professional authority”, that is, the chain stores. These chain stores based on furniture stores and household appliances stores and having the advantages of low price and great variety of items. To all the industries, although the prosperity was seriously held up by the economical recession, they still make effort to improve the economical system and reinforce the strategies. To the industry that holds the key to live the Japan economic, it bears great anticipation. Recently, these distribution industries struck by restriction has a long and tough environment underneath the consuming recession. To these essential daily industries, the distribution industry is changing and reforming nowadays. Besides, because of the moderating of rules and the overseas industries, the forming of industries also varies and results in big or small supermarkets. What happens next will become extremely interesting. Among the variety of costumers’ needs, there are a lot of business chances. The distribution industries are facing a revolution, such as the greatly combining of department stores, the recession of shopping streets, and the incoming and outgoing of foreign capital. Taking the traditional strategies isn’t qualified to survive in such aggressive competition, but still many of the distribution industries can’t wake up from the experience of the past. Only the men who knows the distribution industries well can break through the situation.


IMD-World Competitiveness Center
NABA Corporation
World Economic Forum
