  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Indonesia`s New Era Foreign Policy

指導教授 : 林若雩 林若雩


揮別上個世紀冷戰下的對抗,揮別金融風暴後的黯淡失序,1998年,印尼在蘇哈托政權結束,開啟了「改革年代」(Era Reformasi),在政治、經濟等各面向進行多項重大改革。國際環境隨冷戰結束後轉向多極體系競爭,以及在全球化與風險社會下,而產生更多非傳統安全議題,如金融安全及恐怖攻擊,對於先天上多元分歧的印尼帶來更大的挑戰。於此,本文關注印尼如何在該脆弱性條件下,維繫國家的完整性,以及於當今更加「國際國內性」(Intermestic)的決策環境中所制定之外交政策。 自1948年,印尼副總統哈達提出「自由、積極」(bebas aktif)的外交原則後,歷經六任總統與不同的政體,該原則和不結盟的外交取向成為印尼的基本外交原則延續至今。本文試圖由「自由、積極」外交原則在歷史脈絡之持續與變遷,探討印尼外交政策的本質,及該原則對印尼外交政策之影響。並擬由「國家-區域-國際」三層次的分析架構,分析改革年代中印尼各總統的外交政策之實踐。 研究結果除發現印尼外交政策的本質主要係基於民族主義與確保國家完整的努力,以及「自由、積極」原則的內涵隨時代而成長,並持續作為印尼外交指導方針。也發現自改革時代起,從哈比比開始的民主轉型,後有瓦希德的「再平衡政策」與「普世外交」,再到梅嘉瓦蒂的「全面外交」,以及蘇西洛政府「去敵人化」更靈活的「全方位外交」,可發現在後蘇哈托時期,更具體、更外向、更加「自由、積極」的印尼新世紀的外交政策正在成形中。


Free and active foreign principle, illustrated by the then Vice president Mohammad Hatta in 1948, has been the guideline of Indonesia`s foreign policy to this day for over 66years. After 32 years authoritarian regime of Suharto`s New Order broke down started the so called Era Reformasi in 1998. While suffering from the catastrophic Asian Financial Crisis, Indonesia commenced to democratize, which has brought concerns that if the state remained its integrity due to its frailty in nature, especially aggravated during the political and economic instability, and further, how Indonesia executed foreign policies in the new era which is far more complicated and intermestic as a result of the globalization and the modernity of the risk sociery which were quite different from the international environment of the Cold War Era. The purpose of this thesis was to identify the essence of Indonesia`s foreign policy, how the essence provoked the guideline, free and active principle, and the relations between doctrine and praxis of Indonesia`s foreign policy in the new era. In order to analyze how Indonesia`s foreign policy proform in the political reality, this research adopted the Three-Level Framework composed of state level, regional level, and international level to analysis possible factors in the making of Indonesia`s foreign policy in the 21st century.


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