  • 學位論文


The Study of Constructing Performance Indicators for Volunteers:A Case of the Memorial Hospital of Ling-Ko Chiang Keng

指導教授 : 黃一峯


論文提要內容: 近年來民眾參與志願服務人數與日俱增,參與動機亦相當多元,志工管理成為非營利組織成功運作的關鍵因素。 非營利組織在營運上須考量成本效益,充分運用各種資源,除發揮志願服務資源對社會整體之貢獻外,更需考量志工工作內容,志工應具之人格特質及應有之工作成果,設計志工績效管理制度,提高志工的績效表現。 績效管理與評估制度的成效取決於績效指標制訂是否周延、合理與客觀,本研究目的在於建立適合醫院志工採用的績效評估指標。藉由文獻探討法、政策德菲法、問卷調查及訪談法,進行資料蒐集與分析,並探討績效指標建立後在實務上應用的可行性。 本研究問卷共分為二部分:一、績效指標重要程度認知;二、個人基本資料。以問卷針對長庚醫院志工及督導進行調查,統計資料經以t檢定及單因子變異數分析結果,發現特質導向構面會因不同職務、志工單位及性別而有顯著差異;成果導向構面會因不同職務、志工單位而有顯著差異;行為導向構面會因不同志工單位而有顯著差異;而且志工比督導者、社會志工隊比大專志工隊、女性比男性更為重視。另特質、行為及成果導向構面會因年累積服務時數、服務年資、教育程度、年齡之不同而有顯著差異,其中服務時數較多、服務年資較長、教育程度愈低、年齡愈大者,對此三大構面較為重視。 由實證資料發現,就志工八大不同服務類別,依三個指標導向構面,分別求取權重配分,發現醫院內部屬「一般性」服務類別者,權重配分傾向人的服務品質,而非事的績效;但服務屬「特殊性」及「專業性」者,則傾向兼顧人與事,不但要求「做對的事情」且「要把事情做好」。研究成果可作為林口長庚紀念醫院志工隊評量志工績效之參考架構。


Abstract: Recently, the trend of increasing number of people participating in volunteer service has shown the nature of diverse motivations in volunteer participation. The management of volunteer workforce has become the critical success factor for non-profit organization operation. Nonprofit organizations need to utilize all the possible resources, including volunteer service, to meet the cost-effectiveness requirement effectively. It is important for NPOs to design the performance management system for volunteer service based on dimensions of personal traits, work behavior, and work results to enhance performance. The successful performance management and evaluation system relies on the sound, reasonable, and objective constructing of performance indicators. This study aimed to establish adequate performance indicators for hospital volunteer service employing research methods of literature review, Policy Delphi method, questionnaire survey, and in-depth interview to collect related information for analysis. The feasibility and follow-up application of designing performance indicators were also discussed. The survey questionnaire was divided into two parts: perception of Performance Indicator importance and demographic information of respondents. Based on the survey distributed to volunteers and their supervisors, the statistical analysis of t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted. The findings indicated that trait-oriented dimension has significant differences resulted from different jobs, work units and gender. The result-oriented dimension had significant differences resulted from different jobs and work units. And finally, the importance perception toward behavior-oriented dimension showed significant differences among different work units. Furthermore, volunteers had higher importance perception than supervisors. Social volunteers had emphasized higher than college volunteers. The female respondents had higher important perception than male. In addition, traits, behavior and results oriented dimensions had significant difference in the accumulated annual service hours, seniority of service, educational level and different age. Among them, respondents with longer service hours, longer seniority of service, lower educational level and older age had higher importance perception on the three dimensions. For the purpose of application, the author tried to design and assign rating weight for three dimensions of performance indicators. The research findings explored that the general service category of volunteers emphasize higher importance on human service quality indicators than work performance. The special and professional service category prefer both dimensions of human and work, demanding for “doing the right thing” as well as “doing the things right.” The research results could be employed as the reference framework for further applications of the Chiang Keng Memorial Hospital in Ling-Ko in appraising volunteers’ performance.


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