  • 學位論文


Development of BIM-based and Visualized Multi-dimensional Construction Quality Management System

指導教授 : 蔡明修


營建工程隨著新技術及新工法之發展,工程內容之質量與多樣性劇增,專案更越趨複雜。營建業者與學者也不斷使用新的資訊科技(Information Technology),以提供工程團隊更精確及實用之工程資訊,達成掌控整體專案之目標。近年來建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)技術之發展迅速,各先進國家都將其列為目前重要之工程技術,紛紛制定相關之規範或參考手冊,作為未來推動BIM之基礎。綜觀多數研究成果,目前產官學界對BIM之應用仍侷限於建築模型之建立,而對於如何將BIM推廣至工程生命週期各階段之資訊管理,因受限於建模軟體之限制,資訊整合仍屬不易,故目前仍處測試與觀望之階段。此外,如何將BIM之3D空間視覺效果帶入各階段資訊管理之應用中,也是以往資訊管理系統發展不擅長之處。 針對上述以BIM作為資訊整合載體(Information Integrator),並發展以3D模型為基礎之使用者介面(3D-model-based User Interface)之需求,本研究以建立BIM之多維度資訊整合(Multi-dimensional Information Integration)應用為目的,結合虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)及擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)視覺化技術與資料庫整合方法,提出「視覺化多維度資訊整合架構」。此架構發揮VR之異地同時溝通及AR虛實整合的互補功能,提供使用者在辦公室(in-house)及工作現場(on-site)合適之3D模型操作介面,進而透過此3D視覺化介面提供混合式資料庫(Hybrid Database)之資訊。 為證明「視覺化多維度資訊整合架構」之可行性與適用性,本研究以一實際工程專案之BIM 3D模型及品質管理資訊為案例,利用「視覺化多維度資訊整合架構」建構該專案之「視覺化多維度品質查核系統」,提供同時適合內業與外業管理之視覺化資訊管理功能。而最後本研究之實驗結果發現VR與AR確實提供使用者操作3D模型介面上的互補需求,相互彌補了VR不適合現場操作(on-site operation)及AR只適合提供局部性功能之不足。同時,透過混合式資料庫之實作,也實現用BIM 3D模型整合多維度資訊之方便性。


Projects in the construction industry are becoming increasingly large and complex, with new construction technologies, methods, and the like developing rapidly. Furthermore, owners of construction projects are making increasingly diverse sets of demands while all related laws and regulations undergo rapid change. The construction project management information is also distributed over the project stakeholders' information management systems. Even the development of the building information model (BIM) technology brings an excellent platform for holding the diverse information through the whole construction project, integrating the heterogeneous database crossing the different phases is still a tough challenge. Meanwhile, the information access environments of the users are also complicated due to the maturity construction project. A proper but convenient user interface bringing the information to both the construction site and the in-house office is the essential issue for improving the utility of the information integrated with the BIM model. This study proposes the visualized multi-dimensional information integration framework (VMDIIF) to illustrate a roadmap for integrating the heterogeneous construction information databases into the BIM models and representing the BIM-based integrated information with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies. Following the VMDIIF, we successfully integrated the BIM model with the external project information database and developed the BIM-based visualized quality management system. The system was tested and validated using a real building construction project. The users confirmed two primary benefits using the visualized quality management system. First, the BIM model is well connected with the quality management information in the legacy information system; second, the information with the visualized BIM model can be as well as presented to the users in the office via VR user interface and the users in the construction site via AR user interface. Summarily, the empirical result of this study not only addresses a feasible mechanism for connecting BIM models with external databases but also illustrates that combining VR and AR user interfaces is necessary for the construction project management.


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