  • 學位論文

村上春樹文學中的「現實」之系譜與其轉折 ─以《舞舞舞》、《國境之南,太陽之西》、《發條鳥年代記》為中心─

The Development and Transition of Realty in Huruki Murakami Literature—Focus on “Dance Dance Dance”, “South of the Border, West of the Sun”, and “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle ”

指導教授 : 曾秋桂


本論文中設定三課題,分成四章考察及論究村上春樹文學中的〈現實〉之系譜與其轉折。第一章回顧村上春樹先行研究,欲確立村上春樹文學時期〈現實〉的之系譜及轉變。第二章至第四章分別考察《舞舞舞》、《國境之南,太陽之西》、《發條鳥年代記》等三作之中〈現實〉之真義。關於本論文之課題如下簡述:  考察《舞舞舞》、《國境之南,太陽之西》、《發條鳥年代記》中之〈現實〉為課題一。透過考察此三作品可得知:村上春樹文學中的〈現實〉已是泛指固定的某物。對〈現實〉感到混亂的主角透過與他人確立關聯之旅程,進而將自我與〈現實〉連結。  透過課題一之考察,可確立村上春樹文學中〈現實〉之系譜,並可從中歸結出〈現實〉於系譜中所呈現的轉折。《舞舞舞》之前的作品,〈現實〉多被解讀為與異界對立之空間;但《舞舞舞》之後,〈現實〉儼然已非為固定之空間。且於《發條鳥年代記》之後,主角於治療心靈創傷過程中,作品出現更多看似非現實之〈現實〉,其正是村上春樹文學中的重要轉變。  最後,本論文著眼於〈現實〉與作者村上春樹之關聯。村上春樹於1986年至1995年間離開日本,其後輾轉於歐洲及美國工作。離開日本期間,村上春樹仍致力於創作,出版了本論文中所考察之《舞舞舞》、《國境之南,太陽之西》、《發條鳥年代記》等三作品。同時,於村上春樹離開日本之十年間,日本經濟自戰後以來達到最高點,又從高度經濟發展期進入泡沫化經濟,乃至於1995年發生阪神大地震及東京地下鐵沙林事件。因此,國民作家村上春樹之變身可謂是因應時代背景變化所致。


村上春樹 〈現實〉 系譜 轉折


There are three issues to be studied in this thesis. In Chapter 1, this thesis reviews the advance study in order to confirm the development and Transition in Haruki Murakami Literature. In Chapter 2 to Chapter 4, I study the Realty in “Dance, Dance, Dance”, “South of the Border, West of the Sun”, and “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle” in Haruki Murakami Literature. To study the Realty in “Dance, Dance, Dance”, “South of the Border, West of the Sun”, and “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle” is the first issue. According to my study, there is not only one Realty in Haruki Murakami Literature. Specifically speaking, the character make the relationship with others to let himself link with the Reality. The development of the Reality in Haruki Murakami Literature is mentioned in the second issue. We can figure out some changes of the Reality since “Dance, Dance, Dance”. Before “Dance, Dance, Dance”, the Reality is the real word. However, after “Dance, Dance, Dance”, the Reality should not be understood like a space. Especially, since “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle”, the characters try to heal themselves by the Reality which is unreality. The relationship between the Reality and Haruki Murakami is studied in the third issue. Since 1986 to 1995, Haruki Murakami worked in the EU and USA. He published “Dance, Dance, Dance”, “South of the Border, West of the Sun”, and “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle” during this 10 years. However, at the same period, Japan was force to face Economic bubble, the Great Hanshin earthquake and Tokyo subway sarin attack. Actually, the transformation of Haruki Murakami proves the change for Japan.


Haruki Murakami Realty Transition Development


(1991)『村上春樹全作品1979∼1989⑦ ダンス・ダンス・ダンス』講談社
(2003)『村上春樹全作品1990∼2000②国境の南・太陽の西 スプートニクの恋人』
(2003)『村上春樹全作品 1990∼2000④ ねじまき鳥クロニクル1・2』講談社
