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山本周五郎〈橋本左內〉與〈城中之霜〉-以其主題及時代性為中心-|Yamamoto Shugoro's "Hashimoto Sanai" and "Frost in the Castle": Focusing on the Theme and the Characteristics of the Period




一般而言,山本周五郎奠定日本文學史上的地位是發表《最後的樅樹》的1955年左右的事。《最後的樅樹》為山本周五郎畢生的代表性作品,這點毫無疑問。但這篇作品並非突如其來的傑作,應該說是山本周五郎從戰前時期開始直到1955年左右,孜孜不倦地努力過來的成果。我透過山本周五郎的兩篇戰前時期作品;〈橋本左內〉(1935)及〈城中之霜〉(1940)的具體比較,指出雖然這兩篇作品都是將橋本左內當作題材,但兩者之間卻呈現出作品完整度及藝術性的明顯差異。這代表了山本周五郎在戰前時期創作上的成長及進步。本論文,對於像奧野健男(1970)那樣,將山本周五郎的戰前時期作品一律視為「通俗小說」的說法提出疑問,同時重新探討〈橋本左內〉及〈城中之霜〉的各個主題,並揭示其背後存在著的昭和十年至十九年間之時代性問題。|Generally speaking, Yamamoto Shugoro's position in the history of Japanese literature was established around 1955, when Mominoki Wa Nokotta was announced. Even if there is no dispute that Yamamoto Shugoro's masterpiece is Mominoki Wa Nokotta, this work is by no means a masterpiece that suddenly appeared. It is the result of Yamamoto Shugoro's constant efforts from the prewar period to around 1955. I specifically compared Yamamoto Shugoro's two works "Hashimoto Sanai" (1935) and "Frost in the Castle" (1940) in the prewar period, and both of these works have the theme of Hashimoto Sanai. However, the degree of perfection and artistry of these two works are very different. This proves Yamamoto Shugoro's creative growth and progress. This paper not only raises questions about the view of Okuno Takeo (1970), who uniformly regards Yamamoto Shugoro's works of the prewar period as "entertainment novel." It reexamines the themes of these two works, "Hashimoto Sanai" and "Frost in the Castle" and clarifies the characteristics of the period from 1935 to 1944.


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奥野健男 ( 1970 ) 『 日本文学史一近代 から 現代 へ 』 東京 : 中央公論新社
角地幸男訳 ドナルド ・ キーン ( 2012 ) 『 日本文学史-近代 ・ 現代篇五 』 、 東京 : 中央公論新社
木村久邇典 ( 1965 ) 「 解説 」 『 日日平安 』 、 東京 : 新潮社
木村久邇典 ( 1988 ) 「 解説 」 『 生きている源八 』 、 東京 : 新潮社
