  • 學位論文


The Impact of Recruitment Information on Candidates’ Job Perceptions

指導教授 : 李培齊


近幾年,企業普遍面臨新進員工無法久任於企業之現象,表示企業不僅需要不斷地重新招募員工來填補目前職缺,因此企業需多方了解員工產生離職意圖的可能性原因。而公司使用招募平台放上公司招募職缺資訊內容時,應徵者可以直接了解職缺工作內容,並讓公司快速且精準地找到適合的人才,降低新人離職流動率。此外,應徵者可以直接清楚了解招募職缺網站上的公司職缺內容資訊,並於任職後再與當初的招募資訊與面試資訊做比較。 本研究從招募資訊的內容上,探討造成新進人員在短時間內選擇離職的真正原因,試圖從公司在招募甄選過程中的各項實務,探討新進人員離職的影響因素。本研究顯示,招募資訊的內容可能會讓應徵者期望過高。招募資訊詳細的列出工作資訊及薪資福利制度,會讓應徵者充分了解公司人才需求。


Corporations face with a problem that new hires would leave the corporation just in a short while. Therefore, corporations not only need to recruit new employees to fill the vacancy, but also to find out the reason of employees’ turnover intentions. When corporations release recruiting information on the recruiting platform, candidates should be able to understand the content of job openings. At the same time, corporations should also be able to find suitable professional candidates and cut down their turnover intentions. Moreover, job candidates can realize the recruiting information from employment agencies. After entering the corporation, candidates would compare the recruiting information with the interview experiences. This study is to discuss the reasons for new employees’ resignation in a short time from how recruiting information is formulated. Additionally, the study explors the factors of new employees’ resignation from every stage during the recruitment process. The results show that the content of recruiting information would probably provide candidates with unrealistic expectations of a job. Thence, job contents and compensations are supposed to be listed clearly on the recruiting information to make candidates fully understand the demands of the work environment.


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