  • 學位論文


A Study of Service Innovations in the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry

指導教授 : 胡宜仁


科技的進步為商務活動帶來了改變,網路的發展造就了在家辦公及網路購物等商業模式,近期行動化的發展,讓保險公司的服務可以直接傳遞給客戶,客戶的反應也可以透過行動載具將訊息直接回饋給公司,打破以往的辦公形式「人不在辦公室也能辦公事」;產險公司也紛紛順應科技的發展及消費者日常生活的改變,將行動化的技術應用於內部作業流程的改善以及強化客戶服務的提升上。 金管會保險局亦體認到資訊科技對保險業發展的影響,在保險局主導,保發中心主辦之「保險卓越獎」,就將『資訊應用』列為其中一個獎項,主管機關希望籍由參賽的過程,引導公司將有關電子商務、資訊應用等相關的發展作統合的規劃,並客觀的考量市場、成本、人力等因素,為公司訂定出短中長期之發展計劃,資訊的投資、系統的建置需要有延續性的規劃;有便捷的系統協助再加上優質的人才,是保險公司發展的兩大基礎。 本研究係以至102年為止獲得過4次台灣資訊應用卓越獎肯定的C產險公司為例,以個案研究的方法,研究其在資訊應用及行動化之建置規劃及成果,並提出客戶服務及大數據等議題供未來研究之參考


產險業 創新 行動化服務 APP


Technological advances have brought change to business activities, as the development of the Internet has facilitated creation of new business models centered on the home office and online shopping. And recent developments in mobilization allow an insurance company's services to be delivered directly to the customer while the customer can give the company direct feedback via messaging by mobile carrier. This poses a challenge to prior working practices that avowed that "people can do their business even while out of the office." Insurance companies must also adapt to technological developments and changes in the daily lives of their customers, applying mobile technology to improve internal processes as well as strengthening their customer service ability. The Insurance Bureau of the Financial Supervisory Commission also recognizes the impact of information technology on the development of the insurance industry. Under the leadership of the Insurance Bureau, the Taiwan Insurance Institute has incorporated "Information Applications" as one of its sponsored "Insurance Excellence Awards." Through participation in this award competition, authorities hope companies will be guided in their integrated planning for associated development of relevant e-commerce and information applications. Firms' short-, medium- and long-range development plans must objectively consider market conditions, costs, personnel and other factors, while information investment and system construction must incorporate continuity planning. Convenient support systems combined with quality personnel together constitute the two fundamental points of development for insurance companies. This study reviews the cases of property & casualty insurance companies that have been recognized by Taiwan's Information Technology Excellence Award at least four times through the year 2013. It utilizes the case study method to assess the planning and results for information and mobile applications, and proposes areas for further research including customer service, Big Data and other topics.


1.Kenneth C.Laudon, CG Traver ,E-commerce,2007, cpe.ku.ac.th



