  • 學位論文


Samuel I. Hayakawa: Semantics and Cultural Understanding in US

指導教授 : 李本京


美國加州參議員早川雪(Samuel Ichiyé Hayakawa)博士,曾經擔 任舊金山州立大學語意學教授並且成為該校校長。早川雪博士不僅 在美國同時也在世界成功推廣阿爾弗雷德·•科日布斯基的非亞里士 多德語言體系的語意學研究,因此早川雪博士成為美國知名語意學 者。在本博士論文中,筆者提出早川雪的語意學不僅影響當代語言 學的應用,此研究一方面理解語言表達的實用性,另一方面可以輔 助英語學習技巧,最終反應社會活動的真實涵義。 早川雪博士的語意學研究須通透過字詞和字意分析,理解文化和 語言兩者對語文表辭的重要性。由於移民的身份背景,早川雪博士 也強調英語在美國社會中的重要性。在本論文中,作者提出加州墨 西哥移民的研究,凸顯英語是文化與社會的重要連結。最後作者運 用早川雪的語意學進行相關英語學習技巧的延伸研究,由此看出早 川雪博士的語意學研究在美國學術界以及政界具有重要影響力。


Samuel Ichiyé Hayakawa the Senator of California, university professor and ex-president of San Francisco State College in United States. Dr. Hayakawa is an international scholar who successfully promoted Alfred Korzybski’s semantics of non-Aristotelian system not only in the U.S. but in the world. He contributed greatly to the knowledge of General Semantics and addressed the importance of English in US society. Moreover there are many scholars who applied Hayakawa’s semantics into their linguistics research and English learning; it can be seen that Hayakawa has had a significant influence in U.S. academics. In this doctoral research, the author presents the importance of Hayakawa’s semantics that affect the application of linguistic knowledge and expression in the process of language. Hayakawa’s semantics needs to be analyzed through its linguistic applications that are related to culture and language to consider its vital influences in linguistics in society. The implications of Hayakawa’s theories identify not only the practices of language expression but also explain the influence of social events upon the meanings of words. According to his background, the author discusses Mexican Americans in California to illustrate the relation of language and culture that refer to Dr. Hayakawa’s ideas of English in the US. In the last part of this research, the author studies the extended analysis of language learning and cultural understanding by implementing Dr. Hayakawa’s semantics. In fact, Dr. Hayakawa is a most important US scholar and politician.


Report of Results in a Freshman English Course at Syracuse University ETC: A
葛永光, 文化多元社會中的領導 ,政治科學叢論,民國96年6月,卷32期,
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