  • 學位論文

趙承熙: 羞恥與亞美情感主體的形成

Seung-Hui Cho: Shame and the Affective Formation of Asian American Subjectivity

指導教授 : 王智明




This thesis proposes that the commemorative narrative of the Virginia Tech shooting be an appropriate occasion for us to examine the affective relations between Asian Americans and Seung-Hui Cho. By highlighting the community’s difficulty in grieving Cho’s life, I argue that Asian Americans’ seeming detachment from Cho should be re-examined as an affective relation inherent in the racial formation of Asian American subjectivity. By raising the controversial issue as to whether Cho should be recognized as an un/grievable loss, I contend that Cho’s illegible racial identity mirrors an epistemological limitation in recognizing Asian Americans as affective subjects in the U.S. public. In this thesis, I point out that the difficulty for Asian Americans to embrace Cho’s pain is subject to the racial formation of Asian Americans as model minority subjects. In order to reposition Cho within the affective formation of Asian American subjectivity, I propose shame as the method to examine the affective relations between Asian Americans and Cho.


Asian Americans Seung-Hui Cho model minority shame


Works Cited
Agger, Ben and Timothy W. Luke, eds. There Is a Gunman on Campus: Tragedy and Terror at Virginia Tech. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2008.
Asian American Family Services, The (AAFS). “Virginia Tech Tragedy: a Stark Reminder that Mental Illness Affect All of Us.” Press Release. 19 April 2007. 1 July 2012. .
Asian American Journalists Association, The (AAJA). “Media Advisory: Continuing Coverage on Virginia Tech Shooting.” Press Release. April 17 2007. 1 July 2012. .
Asian American Psychological Association, The (AAPA). “Asian American Psychological Association Mourns Virginia Tech Tragedy.” Press Release. 18 April 2007. 1 July 2012.
