  • 學位論文


Review on the Global Strategy of Taiwanese Electronic Firms in Reaction to EU Fifth Enlargement—Foxconn’s Investment in Czech Republic.

指導教授 : 苑倚曼


面對全球化、區域經濟以及全球專業分工體系的成形,因此企業必須結合全球資源的分佈狀況,將生產製造、研發設計、業務行銷、運籌物流與維修服務等功能,分別建置在得以展現該功能的不同國家或地區。而台灣電子產業在這一波的全球化浪潮中趁勢而起佔有一席之地,其中令人注目的鴻海精密,透過獨特的經營模式以及一連串的併購,成為台灣第一大民營製造業,散佈在全球各地的工廠以及研發中心,徹底參與了全球分工體系,定位出台灣的方向。而鴻海於捷克設置歐洲營運總部,更加印證了歐洲市場的重要性。當歐盟歷經了第五次接納新成員國之後,其所展現的市場規模與經濟實力,成為全球企業眼中的一顆閃耀的星星,而包含捷克在內的中東歐國家又適時的參與了全球分工體系,這樣的局勢發展乃形成深入探討的動機,試圖找出鴻海的經營模式與捷克成為區域營運總部的種種條件。 本論文透過包括各大媒體的新聞、訪問、產業分析、官方資料文獻等的分析,透過理論來探討分析鴻海的經營策略與捷克的各項主客觀條件,並以鴻海集團的成功模式加上目前全球營運的趨勢,提出筆者的觀察與建議,規模經濟、全球佈局、彈性生產、垂直整合、策略聯盟才是現今激烈競爭環境中勝出的營運模式。另外,經營風險的分散才能保障自身與客戶的利益。歐盟區域經濟的成形對企業全球供應鍊管理形成衝擊與挑戰,必須小心因應。


In the face of globalization, regional economy and materialization of global division of labor, enterprises have to place functions such as manufacturing, R&D, Sales and marketing, logistics and after services in proper locations based on allocation of global resources. Enterprises in Taiwan’s electronic industry have grabbed this tremendous opportunity to become one of the major players in the world, one of which is Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd who has made its way to Taiwan’s biggest private manufacturer through unique business model and merger & acquisition. With it’s global reach into Czech Republic where Hon Hai headquarter in Europe is located showcases the importance of EU, the biggest economy after fifth enlargement taking place in 2004 in the world. So it would be of value to find out Hon Hai global strategy and how Czech was chosen to be it’s headquarter in Europe. In this study, it is found that economy of scale, global network, flexible production, vertical integration and strategic alliance are the key factors to success in an environment where global competition is quite intense, and the impact and challenges of European integration have been considered for global supply chain management of electronic firms willing to access European market.


EU Enlargement EMS OEM/ODM Global Network


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