  • 學位論文


From a third country’s view to explore various trade barriers as entering the European Market-taking three Taiwanese and Chinese manufacturers as a case study

指導教授 : 吳珮茹


全球化是一種趨勢,不過,現實中,產業在進行拓展全球事業版圖之際,往往是遇到許多的困難,種種困難以二分法區別,可分為:關稅障礙及非關稅障礙,各國為趨避這些往來的貿易障礙,國家間會彼此做出優惠的協定,例如:北美自由貿易區,歐洲聯盟等。 本研究以製造產業為主體挑選三家不同產業的中小型製造商,去探討是否一個第三國家的廠商,針對要進入歐洲市場,是否會遭遇到較多的貿易障礙?同時或者檢測其貿易壁壘的程度。 本研究透過個案分析的結果發現,歐洲聯盟中的確利用各種非關稅貿易障礙的名目,其中最常用的即是技術性貿易障礙,抑止其它第三國家進入其市場中,保護會員國之間的貿易利益,對於彼此間的貿易往來障礙降到最低,相對的對於第三國家則有不平等的貿易對待,也造成了所謂的歐盟壁壘。


The globalization is a trend. When industries develop their global business landscape, they usually meet various trade barriers. Trade barriers include tariff and non-tariff barriers. As a country wants to benefit from international trade, it may apply preferential trading agreements, which may later facilitate integration, for example: the European Union. The thesis takes three small and medium sized manufacturers as case study. The purpose is to explore whether a third country would encounter more trade barriers when trying to enter the European market. In the meantime, the study investigates to what extent the European Union has grown into so-called “Fortress Europe ”. The research results show that on the one hand the European Union indeed uses various non-tariff trade barriers (mostly technical trade barriers) to discourage the third countries to enter the European market. On the other hand European Union has done it best to extinguish the trade barriers among the member states. There fore, the study can conclude that the European Union has treated the third countries unfairly in the respect of trade.


3. Winston Tellis(1997)。「Introduction to Case Study」。The Qualitative Report。 Volume 3, Number 2。
A. 中文
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