  • 學位論文


A Study on Cross-Strait Comparison of Accident Insurance Products

指導教授 : 高棟梁


自1992年起,隨著兩岸政策的逐漸開放,兩岸經濟活動的交流也日益頻繁,台灣與中國大陸的保險業彼此也在開放後不久開始進行交流。台灣地區與中國大陸地區保險業主管機關分別在2001年及2002年開放產險業以主契約方式經營意外傷害保險,為兩岸產險業之業務帶來影響。本研究旨在探討兩岸意外傷害保險,包含普通傷害保險、團體傷害保險、職業傷害保險及旅行平安保險之比較,並期能藉此提供兩岸保險業者作為經營意外保險之參考。 欲比較兩岸意外傷害保險之異同,本文主要分為三個部分,第一部分探討台灣及中國大陸意外傷害保險之沿革與現況,第二部分旨在比較兩岸壽險公司意外傷害保險商品之異同,第三部分則在比較兩岸產險公司意外傷害保險商品之異同。 藉由上述之研究後,對兩岸意外傷害保險商品分別做總結,並給予台灣及中國大陸地區保險業者於保單設計及經營上之建議。


Along with the gradual opening of cross-strait policy, the cross-strait economic exchanges have been increasing more and more since 1992, and the insurance industries of Taiwan and Mainland China started to exchange each other soon after the opening. The cross-strait insurance supervisors have permitted non-life insurance companies to operate accident insurance products as endorsements or riders attached to primary insurance contract in 2001 and 2002 respectively. This research aim to compare and discuss cross-strait accident insurance products, including the following insurances: general accident insurance, group accident insurance, occupational accident insurance and travel accident insurance. We hope that this research can provide some suggestions for cross-strait insurers to operate accident insurance efficiently. In order to compare cross-strait accident insurance products, there are three steps in this research. Firstly, we introduce the history and situations of accident insurance between Taiwan and Mainland China. Next, we compare the accident insurance products of cross-strait life insurance markets to find its differences and similarities. After that, we compare the accident insurance products of cross-strait non-life insurance markets to find its differences and similarities. Finally, we make conclusions from this research and offer some suggestions based on the conclusions for cross-strait insurance companies to improve their policy design and operating in the accident insurance products.


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