  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on The Compulsory Automobile Liability insurance between Taiwan and China

指導教授 : 廖述源


本文論述台灣強制汽車責任保險法令依據之演變,從「單軌制」到「雙軌制」,再演變成目前的「單軌制」過程,歷經多年運作,新制強制汽車責任保險之法律依據已告完備,且保額逐年增加而保費則多次調降,廣受社會大眾好評,亦讓新制強制汽車責任保險制度趨臻健全;而大陸於2006年7月1日實施機動車交通事故責任保險,近年來保額與費率亦有調整,但大陸實施交強險以來,其經營問題在一定程度上與制度設計的缺陷有關,因此探討台灣與大陸強制汽車責任保險的制度架構,及經營成效與問題,尤其重要。 本文分析台灣與大陸強制汽車責任險責任基礎、保險金額、承保項目及範圍、理賠處理方式,其研究範圍分就歷史沿革、相關法規、承保與理賠、費率釐訂及保險監理概況相互做一個比較,期使在大陸經營交強險業務的台資企業有初步的瞭解,並進而從中比較兩者之間優劣處,藉以改善不足之處,讓雙方制度更加完善,最後,提出結論與建議事項,俾供日後保險業者及相關人員之參考。


This study initially draws the development data of the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance (CALI) in Taiwan. Over years’ implementation, from single-track system into dual-track system, then evolving into nowadays single-track one, the CALI act has been fully operated. Also, the insured amount has gradually increased while the insurance premium has repeatedly cut down; it not only receives public praise, but also makes the amended CALI getting perfect. On the other hand, the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance has come into force in China on July 1, 2006. Since the government of China introduced the insurance law, though the insured amount and the insurance premium has also adjusted these years, the problem lies to some extent in the scheme of the institution. Thus, it’s important to compare the structure of the act and the current situation and problems between both insurance policies in Taiwan and China. This study analyzes the difference of the CALI between Taiwan and China in their foundation of liability, the insured amount, benefits items and range of coverage, and claim processing. The research divides into several comparisons according to the general situation of legislative history, related laws, coverage and claim, the setting of premium rate, and the supervisory framework. The researcher hopes to provide basic comprehension for Taiwan-funded enterprises which serve for the CALI in China. Moreover, through the comparison of both policies’ pros and cons, two laws are in hope to be improved. Finally, the study offers the conclusion and suggestion for a reference to the insurers and related staff.


